Having re-read this thread, the overwhelming thing that comes through is that the those who should be enablers, those at Sector, Wing, Regional and HQAC levels, have no idea what is actually happening at CFAV Squadron level. The Squadrons have poor support from all above them, in fact, those above think they work for them instead of the other way around. They should be working for Squadrons and their CFAV, to enable them to provide the cadet experience, not increase admin burden with nif-naf and trivia, idiotic local rules that appear nowhere in the ACPs, undertaking tasks for which people don’t really realise that they maybe the one held accountable in a Court or worse a Coroners Court. What is acceptable risk in one place is not acceptable in others.
The madness of virtually of removing SOVs by regulation, lack of flying/gliding/shooting, madness of Squadron footprints in a locality meaning you can’t even use local parks for a football game on an ad hoc basis.
Those above the squadron’s do not face the cadets and their parents etc when they want to know what is happening, they just sit back and let the Squadron OC and their CFAVs take the flak and then come in with that wonderful instrument the retrospectascope and comments of you should have done this and that, and it’s all your and your staffs fault. Many have commented that the management above are either invisible or worse ineffective or as I stated really believe that they think the Squadrons work for them, BPSS validation is a case in point, and people told they need to take time off work to visit Wing HQ for the paperwork or to pick up a vehicle for transporting cadets, or just weeks to validate new staff, when it could actually be done over one weekend with a little thought.
And people wonder why CFAV numbers are potentially falling in the future and those who remain are becoming more disillusioned and reduce their time 'volunteering; for the cadets or saying thank you and good night.