Compliance with RAF Branding Guidelines - IBN 4 (2025)

Oh lord. Navigating this sphere is my day to day and either:
This has been misguidedly constructed with very little/ no consult from a professional marketeer.
Or, They should seriously consider firing the firm that put it together, because they neglected to take the time to fully understand the application.

I’ve offered to get involved with this type of stuff but have hit the inevitable wall that one does when navigating organisations of this size when a volunteer. However when I’m charging for my services day to day I have very few issues. Truly baffles brains.

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1358 is going through a rewrite and reformat so i will feed it back.


If you’re experienced and keen to help as a volunteer, reach out directly to the Influence team. Jarrod and Dan are both very responsive, so even if the answer is no, they won’t leave you hanging. I’ve asked them stuff or pointed things out and always get a quick, good response.


Drop me an a PM or email - we’re more than happy to have some help on the team around branding and design, particularly from professionals in this space.

Also, while I’m aware this particular IBN has been challenging for the author and the input / discussions it generated at HQ, feel free to fire me questions and I’ll do my best to answer, or take back for clarifications.

One assurance I’ll give is HQ will be inline before any approaches are made to units. The top definitely needs to set the example before any unit are asked to follow it.


Just communicate clarity around unofficial badges. Thats the emotive bit. The rest is simples.

You might have to be prescriptive aswell, like does it include merchandise, vehicle branding etc


The main challenge is logos. Random logos for camps, badges and logos for ‘teams’ etc etc. They all need to stop, like all the examples given earlier in thread from HQ, and Air Media want this better managed (prevented).

As for badges, we can get more clarity. I’ve also had a few calls from the MCO community for real examples of how to comply - what exactly can be used for a social media profile image without the wrath of a meta bot shutting* you down for impersonation. We’ll get this sorted with the help of Air Media.

*love you autocorrect


Seems to be a problem with the algorithms seeing a logo used in one place and shutting down anyone else who uses it as a copycat.

Daft Q…

If my squadron minibus has my squadron crest on it… which currently does not conform to the crest/badging policy… does that need to be removed?

Word of warning - if you change your sqn Facebook page profile image to the same as the RAFAC page you are likely to loose the main page as the auto bots will lock you as they think you are a spoof copy.

I think this is where the temporary amnesty fits in and my interpretation would be that you don’t have to incur the extra cost of removing it now, but next time it’s due a refresh you replace it with approved branding.

I don’t remember that happening when we all changed profile pics to the approved imagery during the mourning period for Her Late Majesty.

Two squadrons had is recently at last remembrance - they lost access to their page for bout three months.

Might be an update to the algorithm

This is what I hope it means.

It happened to our Sqn Facebook page. We were locked out afterchangingthe logo and had to start a new account. Don’t know if we ever managed to relaunch the old one, although we tried for months.

Because the RAF and MOD is sick to the back teeth of little fifedoms in RAFAC using brading like a 3 year old uses MS Paint.

In a time when branding is all important and well over 70% of all raf branding (goggle search) is rafac, the shockingly gopping in house pish needs to end.


Asking as I’m grumpy on a Saturday morning.

How big does the rafac logo have to be? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think I saw that RAF branding has got a new head that’s come from the corporate marketing world so is just doing the new boss thing.

Just seen a Wing Instagram account that was created yesterday that doesn’t follow the guide. So this is going well…

If I was that way inclined I’d be tempted to make all sorts of unofficial RAF Luton style accounts just for poops and giggles :poop: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

5678 (Get in Line) Sqn ATC