Commission Board

Hi just after some pointers and direction. After serving as a CI with my local Squadron l have decided to move over into Uniform. Paperwork is in and lm just waiting for my Wing Interview.

I have decided that l want to step outside of my comfort zone and go for a commission, at my mid 50s l have doubts on my ability. Left the military in the 90s.

What sort of things should l be researching for my board, and can anybody who has recently done their board give me any pointers?

I don’t want my board to sound like l have rehearsed all the answers.

Thank you in advance


I can’t attest to the detail, but I just wanted to say “well done” for pushing out of your comfort zone.

I wouldn’t worry about answers sounding rehearsed. It shows you’ve spent a load of time thinking about it and taking it seriously.

General points I’d make:

  • Understand the structure and key personalities within the organisation and parent service.

  • Understand the role of the parent service and what we’re doing in the world.

  • Understand the challenges the organisation faces and the steps involved in providing safe training, qualifications you require and why they’re important.

  • Understand exactly how to deal with safeguarding and where to go for the reporting processes etc

  • Understand why you want to switch to uniform, how you think you can contribute / enhance the cadet experience by doing so, and why commission vs NCO.

The huge benefit to the organisation is that every CFAV we get into uniform helps to sell an RAF atmosphere, which is a huge part of why cadets choose us and not another organisation. That’s the number one reason I think we should make coming into uniform as easy as possible.

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Thank you for your response.

I think l need to refresh on the ACPs but my viewpoint is that l don’t need to know them inside out, but know where to find the information.

Think the next boards are around Easter time, paperwork is in, just need to focus on preparing. I get the impression that the way the board is conducted can vary from region to region.

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I’d agree, generally speaking.

The other big thing is confident communication, so ask people near you to run you through practice interviews and ask you questions in lots of different ways.

I do this for cadets who have interviews coming up and it lets them make all the mistakes — those moments they get half way through an answer and realise it’s not what they want to say etc.

Practice will help with the confidence. And really do let your personality shine through. We want personable and passionate people leading our young adults — don’t be afraid of sharing your buzz and asking questions of the panel.

What makes a great volunteer in their eyes? What mistakes have they seen people make before?

Great points above. Also make sure you are up to date on your general service knowledge as cadets/parents/Joe public will ask. Things like who your wing CO is, regional commandant, CAC, AOC 22, CAS. Facts and figures are also important like your closest base, group, numbers in RAF and RAFAC, aircraft types and roles.

motivation, motivation, motivation…

That seems to be the Regional prospective, how long before you want to take on a squadron!

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I would also add in there have some “tricks in the box” there is always someone that likes to see how you respond when asked. If you don’t know it is perfectly fine to say I am unsure however I would check Sharepoint/ACP’s or refer to my Chain of Command to get the answer etc. But some other good reference points to note are ACP 007 (RAFAC Astra) and learning about the “pillars” Uniformed, Civ Comm & Chaplaincy. You don’t need to know the full in’s and outs but key positions on civ comm, Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer etc and rough roles. It’s not necessarily a need to know but good to know as you will need it later anyway.

Ultimately above anything else it is yours to lose, not trying to make a mockery of the system or make it sound too easy or anything however the organisation cannot afford to be turning down keen people that have clear reasons of why they want to go into uniform. You have the role already, its a formality box ticking exercise ensuring that you are heading in roughly the right direction

Thanks, some quarters have told me that if l pass the Wing Board the Regional board is a ‘tick box’, others have said the opposite.

Either way l want to be prepared, afterall l want to be able to pass, but l hate interview boards.

In my day role l am interviewing and questioning people all the time, should be used to it, but l have no RAF background, never been a cadet, and my military service was a couple of lifetimes ago lol

There are plenty of threads on this subject already, have a search of the forum and see what fits. Ultimately, if in doubt, reach out to your Wing Training Officer.

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I second this this is exactly what i would like to know being in the same positon about going for the boardings and the current officer course as well.

That’s now a Combined Initial Course delivered as one to cover new A/Sgts and Officers. Although at Cranwell, it was decided (correctly) that both courses were realistically the same, our organisation is looking for “leaders of Health & Safety and Safeguarding” the course at Cranwell looks into Emotional Intelligence and group exercises but the core content is RAFAC in day to day sense.

And those areas should be included more in the question sets at Wing and Region boards, forget about the in-depth dive into the RAF that can be learnt on the job.

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