Climatic Injuries Training - Pause and Reassess Order July 2022

Nah, it’s easy, just make sure every event we do has some kind of corporate sponsorship involved, that way they can’t cancel our participation because they’d lose money.

That’s the only reason RIAT wasn’t binned off.


Considering the reason that Nijmegen has been cancelled is because HQAC should have implemented training that they didn’t, does that mean HQAC would be liable for refunds for the event?

Tempted to advise parents to go small claims court for costs incurred…


Good point, I certainly wouldn’t be happy spending lots of money and taking lots of time off work for the event to be pulled when events such as RIAT and IACE went ahead. But will we realistically see cadets and their parents taking RAFAC to petty debts? I think it’s unlikely.

Disappointing yet not surprising

Riat makes money.
Nijnegen doesnt.

Decsion made.

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Sad to hear this.

Who told the cadets in the end? Any high level representative from the organisation or left to those who are also directly affected and already under stress on the ground?

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Reading the small claim court process it seems quite easy

Parents need to request a refund for an exact amount with in a time period then fill out the online form. Would only take one or two & then the whole thing would snowball.

If HQAC had provided the cascade training trading to staff & cadets before the event then I don’t think it would be claimable but as the responsible body has forgotten to then there might be a case #notalaywer

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Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that and RAFAC makes the right decision and offers refunds in some shape or form.

Remember when I said earlier that I hope whoever comes in listens?

Oh well.


I think we all know the answer to that.


Do you have a figure for this?
I’m only aware of a small number of minor heat illness cases?

But will these cases be investigated properly or just brushed under the carpet. A case of RIAT rules trump everything :roll_eyes:

Do they need to be?

Would you investigate a cut that led to a minor bleed? Or someone getting a small blister on a road march?

A whole lessons learned wash up should take place for sure.

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Interesting statement within the “post event” report on the app in SMS!

you will have to log in to view!


Yes, agreed.

But we mustn’t, across all activity, treat minor heat illness any differently to other minor injuries.

Interesting, as long as that review is effectively conducted and lessons learned for next time.


The argument on the small claims court could be very easily fought by HQAC.

Did the cadets/staff travel to Nijmegen? Yes.

Was there an expense for travel and accom? Yes.

In both cases, HQAC will fight that a refund is not applicable as expense was made, or even worse, throw the refund at individual Wing’s to recompense.

The only counter argument is that RAFAC said not to Day 2 where everyone else is walking.

The question for the whole community is how do we move forward, the slightest warning of heat will bring in restrictions. Not forgetting how many Wings start training in cold and rain at the beginning of the year!!

We will struggle to under take any activity in the extremes of weather, hold or cold, such as road marching, DofE expeditions, AT, etc. And this doesn’t take into consideration those big corporate events (RIAT) where cadets are used and seniors just go to rub shoulders and say look what we can deliver!!

When will the full-timers recognise the sheer volume of experience we have in the organisation, who know the boundaries and what can/can’t be done, and leave the decisions to those on the ground with SME knowledge and experience.

This organisation is going down the pan


But as you said ‘minor heat illness cases’, yes they should. These are not like a cut or a blister.

Heat illness needs to investigated. Was it down to individual or a wider staff failing on the day.

Taking to Nijmegen. All participants wear appropriate clothing, eat and drink at appropriate time, all monitored by team leads and senior cadets in the teams.

We’re these practices put in place for RIAT?

At the end of the day someone was between a rock and hard place over RIAT, delivering something that brought kudos and some money into the organisation against the reputational damage caused by pulling out on Thursday or Friday.