Right call.
Yep. They’ve got a weather warning for the area on Tuesday, looking like it could hit 38C.
Aka; using common sense
I hate that term. For one thing it’s not very common. And everyone thinks they have it. When they often don’t.
But that does keep you in a day job
If most of my clients had any sense they’d be dangerous
So as it is hot today and tomorrow my event which is at the end of the year, previously approved, is now returned to draft - so I can add a heat RA and a load of other heat related items to the activity… An activity happening in winter.
Who did that, perm or volunteer?
That is quality.
Heat RA or a climatic injury RA? to o be fair so many things can change in terms of policy etc it might well be more appropriate to be approved a couple of months before the event to make sure everything is current.
That’s even worse
The new RAF FPCAT at Honington have been giving HQ RAFAC some ‘heat’ over the lack of climatic injuries on risk assessments so it’s possible your perm staff have been briefed and are reviewing stuff.
If you had climatic injuries on the RA anyway then it is just service as normal.
That global warming has a lot to answer for, so no problem with -10 and snow?
Given the event is primarily in climate controlled indoor areas with a small outside element that is non essential, any weather will be fine!
Perhaps I’m not reading it right, but how do you have an event tomorrow that’s at the end of the year?
Think you’ll find all outdoor activities now need the climatic RA, no matter the time of year. Just to cover the IC Activities. All down to having to follow MOD regulations, but they are forgetting about the age ranges of the cadets compared to that of military staff.
Yes, we are in a heatwave now, but come the winter you’ll have wind chill. All have to be taken into consideration.
We’ve been told that all activities now need them so activities will be returned to ‘draft’ until updated in line with the JSP.
Edited to read better!
This is not a climate RA, it specifically is for heat related injuries.