Civil Air Patrol

Do they pronounce Lieutenant correctly or like loo-ten-ant? :wink:

Silent letters would confuse US Soldiers too much…

Almost automatic promotion up to Lieutenant Colonel? That’s pretty wild.

I read that as minimum time before eligible for promotion: otherwise everyone would be a full bird colonel after 13.5 years!

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I hope mods are ok with this but I’ve moved this to the International-US category as it’s turned into a really interesting discussion about the CAP!

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Perfectly reasonable

Nuh uh but yes its loo-ten-ant

see? sgt chopsticks can get along with people from other countries

Here’s the ranks for the actual US military.

I will say that you have to wait a WHILE in the CAP to rank up as a senior. A Lt. Col. in my squadron had to wait about 15 years just to go from Major to Lt. Col.!


For us as officers, our highest substantive rank is Flying Officer (equivalent to 1st Lt), above that we hold acting rank depending on which role we’re in.

If we leave the role, we revert back to Flying Officer or the rank assigned to our new role. Even then, bar the one acting Group Captain (Equiv to Colonel), the highest volunteers can hope to attain is Wing Commander (Equiv to Lt Col).

The idea of Wg Cdr on time served would blow minds around here.

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‘ * cough * CCF contingent Cdrs * cough *

That’s wild

@sgt_chopsticks if you have a Cadet Officer for example and an adult staff member Lt walks by. Who salutes who?

The cadet would salute the senior member.

What if the cadet was a cadet colonel and the staff member was a Lt

Still salutes, I believe

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It’s PT this week at CAP

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Just at your unit, or multi-location at Group / Wing / National level?

And have you all been allowed to get back up gliding again?

Unit. Also no, gliders aren’t back yet.

Can i ask how and where you did your drone pilot license,? was it within RAFAC?