Civil Air Patrol

yuh huh


They’re god awful even by US Standards

That’s good
We can’t even get some Crusty WO’s to call a CWO “Warrant Officer”

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I call them Mr or Miss [surname], as that’s how WOs are addressed by people who are senior to them.



I think the ranks are kinda cool (once you get up in rank) but that’s just me. Also, if you think ours is bad, check JROTC ranks! They have the “Lamp of Learning” (Yes, real name) on all of them. They be goofier than ours

it’s not that hard. New cadets also get these things called “Cadet Super Charts” to help them learn. How I teach it is that if the bottom of the Chevron isn’t rounded out, they’re an Airman. If the bottom is rounded out but there isn’t a roof (the pointy ranks on top) then they’re an NCO. If there is a roof on top, they’re a Senior NCO. And if they have circles or diamonds, they’re an officer. Once you’re in for a bit it gets less confusing.


Well once you’re in a unit long enough you learn everyone’s ranks.

It looks like the Toc-H lamp incorporated into those rank emblems.

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My word! So Army JROTC have the same officer ranks as CAP, but AF JROTC have chevrons for officers? In the name of all that is holy, why?

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yup… that’s how it be

That is both interesting and mind-melting. For the UK and Commonwealth militaries, any rank symbol with a chevron ‘V’ shape means NCO.

Although- it is interesting that your AFJROTC have tried to retain the international concept of air force officers’ ranks being an incremental quantity of bars, to show rank seniority (other than putting that crazy kink in the middle). I mean- at least they didn’t go all US Army style for Offr ranks, the way the USAF did.

Here’s a puzzler for you @sgt_chopsticks - in the Air Forces of the Crown, we have a sensible and familiar arrangement whereby our organisational formations called Groups (plus Main Operating Bases) contain Wings. This has been so for probably 100 years.

Whereas: although I cannot understand why, in the air force world of the USA, Wings appear to contain Groups. This seems to apply across all of the USAF, the USAFR, ANG…and I think also in CAP as well.

I love how nearly everything in the UK & US is so similar yet in reality completely different!!!

(ps are you all back gliding yet?)

nope no gliding yet, but all DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessability) has been paused though


" The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and helps us recognize our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or life experiences, among others. It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual. In Civil Air Patrol, diversity creates an organization enriched with people from different cultures with different experiences, lifestyles, backgrounds, perspectives, and ideas."
Oh noooo

We have to be equally nice to everyone :face_holding_back_tears: :face_holding_back_tears: :face_holding_back_tears:

Yeah, Not a fan of that

that’s wild

Which bit? because the CAP said some of it, and you said some of it?

Also, please pray for all the victims and the families of the crash on the Patomac.


Counter - you CAP lot get promoted every 8 weeks or so, so that’ll always be changing. And what about working outside your normal teams? Like in camps?

Not to mention that in a combat scenario, the regular US military surely need to be able to establish who’s in command immediately. Having to count off how many chevrons and rockers each person has on the tiny little patch just seems quite silly.

Plus, every service does their own thing so trying to do Joint Forces operations must be ridiculously confusing. I generally approve of the regular officer rank insignia, even if I think the icons are relatively meaningless at Lt Col and below.


POTUS would do well to honour her request, Carrie Eaves, wife of one of the Black Hawk pilots:

“I am sure by now all of you have heard the news of the tragedy that has occurred in DC. My husband was one of the pilots in the Blackhawk. We ask that you pray for our family and friends and for all the other families that are suffering today. We ask for peace while we grieve.

Please refrain for negative comments on social media as these families children do not need to suffer more pain.”


What range of ranks do your adult staff have? Do they wear regular USAF ranks or the CAP versions?

They wear the CAP versions of the Air Force ranks.

Here are the senior member ranks.