China & Russia

Said by whom?

There’s nothing new under the sun (or sea). There are still those of us around who launched on standing Greens under Operation Backscratch.


Jens Stoltenberg if I am recalling correctly.

One of the many pressers following the Nordstream 2 sabotage.

There’ll be a few extra drones into Ukraine tonight.

The sun will set (or will have already) and it’ll rise again tomorrow to the same excrement, different day.

Putin’s red lines have been proven to be meaningless.


and attacked a mayonnaise and margarine factory with it…getting real ROI on that expensive kit /s

Russia responded by destroying a Ukrainian explosives factory in Sumy.

Time to call it a day?

Perhaps your linked source isn’t the most reliable report about what targets were hit. No .ru website is going to report completely accurate damage assessments.

Definitely not time to call it a day. Letting Putin win will lead to more territory being seized by force, whether in Europe or elsewhere.


I know, first thing to die in war is the truth.

The .ru domain should give reason to doubt, but not entirely dismiss the report. Such a massive explosion cannot be faked.

Returning to my original point, the destruction of a very valuable military target (the explosives factory) was brought about by the attack on the mayonnaise factory using ATACMS.

Can the Ukrainians be trusted to use these tools properly? - ie against a real military target, not a mayonnaise factory.

Yes. Hope that helps.


Everywhere else reports “military facility”, Russia (that happens to be seeing massive price inflation on food and particularly items such as butter) says “margarine factory”.

Maybe it once was a margarine factory. Maybe it had been repurposed.


In other news: Storm Shadow reportedly deployed beyond the border.


Possible target info here.

Obviously needs to be taken with a grain of salt…

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I think this is the appropriate response to Putin’s bluff about changing his nuclear doctrine.

Under the changes, the UK would now be viewed as directly at war with Russia. So let’s see if he attacks (spoiler: he won’t).


Unconfirmed reports on X that Russia has fired an ICBM, in a non-nuclear role, at a target in Ukraine…

Just seen video of what would seem to be the MIRV’s hitting



Putin is just trying to be the bully that he is.

It would be absolute overkill if Russia had fired an ICBM. It seems now that it might have been a bit of propaganda from the Ukrainian side:

It does seem to be very muddy. Whatever hit seems to have been inert based on the video, which would point towards the potential. But you would have to assume that we would’ve been tracking whatever was fired and would know from the ballistic profile if it were an ICBM or not.

I don’t remember who said it, but the art of good propaganda isn’t necessarily to convince the enemy that you’re right, but instead to create enough confusion that you can’t be proven to be wrong.

IMHO it’s why we always see Nigel Farage involved in antagonism, even if the cause isn’t always directly aligned with his politics. He knows the confusion is useful for him.

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At the risk of suggesting that Putin may have been honest for once, this makes more sense than an ICBM: