Change of Badges

Heard a Rumour in themiddle of the week that we are duesome badge changes, and wonder if anyone else had heardthis:

What I hear is that the old “Air Training Corps” Brassard Badge is due to change to RAF Air Cadets,including a Roundel

ALsoheard that there are to be some new Badges/TRF use on MTP/CS95

If we are definately changing to RoyalAir Force Air CAdets does this need a new RoyalWarrant , would also meant that all your Squadron Banners and crests may need chnging too.

Very seriously hope not.

Did say it was only a rumour Id heard…

I’ve heard about the badges for greens changing to be compatible with MTP-PCS because there are no breast pockets. And the design of the TRF may be changing to look better on MTP.

The RAF are adopting a new badge to replace the TRF.

I suspect that is where most of this has come from.
I doubt the brassard badge will be changing. We may hopefully end up with something new in place of the trapezium of doom.

[quote=“thetopcat69” post=12238]Heard a Rumour in themiddle of the week that we are duesome badge changes, and wonder if anyone else had heardthis:

What I hear is that the old “Air Training Corps” Brassard Badge is due to change to RAF Air Cadets,including a Roundel

ALsoheard that there are to be some new Badges/TRF use on MTP/CS95

If we are definately changing to RoyalAir Force Air CAdets does this need a new RoyalWarrant , would also meant that all your Squadron Banners and crests may need chnging too.[/quote]

If this happens I will eat my hat

the TRF change is defintely on the cards - it will be square, it will be based on RAF colours, and its intention is that you will, shockingly, be able to distinguish the TRF from the background uniform at more than 10ft. ammusingly, the ACO’s current TRF is probably the most subdued TRF in the Armed Forces…

perhaps some thought might go into this one, as the ACO is the largest formation in Defence…

i doubt there will be a change in the pattern of force identifiers or name tapes - they may fiddle with the wording from ‘Air Cadets’ to ‘RAF Cadets’, but the tapes will broadly look the same, though they will be in a tan colour to go with MTP rAther than green to go with DPM.

[quote=“angus” post=12246]the TRF change is defintely on the cards - it will be square, it will be based on RAF colours, and its intention is that you will, shockingly, be able to distinguish the TRF from the background uniform at more than 10ft. ammusingly, the ACO’s current TRF is probably the most subdued TRF in the Armed Forces…

perhaps some thought might go into this one, as the ACO is the largest formation in Defence…

i doubt there will be a change in the pattern of force identifiers or name tapes - they may fiddle with the wording from ‘Air Cadets’ to ‘RAF Cadets’, but the tapes will broadly look the same, though they will be in a tan colour to go with MTP rAther than green to go with DPM.[/quote]

I doubt there will be a new force identifier, the RAF don’t wear them anymore, there being nowhere on the chest to sew one.

The irony is (disregarding the reports about apparent defence budget underspend) they want (if this is true) to waste money on new badges, for what seems to be no more than some mind-numbing corporate branding/ID reason. There is a long list of things that need financing and new badges is not even on appendix Z, IMO.

Regardless of what badge you sew on, joe public only thinks Army when they see you in DPM, so in some respects they are a pointless addition for us, as explaining that you’re not is wasting good time and oxygen on them as they’re generally not intelligent enough to remember.

Most Daily Mail readers say this when they see a new image, but what is most often the truth is that the designs are done in-house, at no extra cost, and then the supply chain start using the updated designs on production runs. There will be a Annual Re-order of these badges and they will just filter through to the grass roots over time. Perhaps, occasionally, there may be a bulk request to achieve a stronger distribution chain, but at a few thousand pounds, it really isn’t going to bankrupt the MoD when reports this week suggest they are running a huge surplus in their budget of Billions.

Context chaps, it’s all about context. That and not believing everything the DM publish. B)

Oh, and this is the one being talked about.


[quote=“Operation Nimrod” post=12252]Oh, and this is the one being talked about.


I’ve been told of the ACO getting our own TRF for all ranks…

[quote=“Operation Nimrod” post=12252]Oh, and this is the one being talked about.


Thought that was just for Op Olympics?

[quote=“sirvicalsmeer” post=12255][quote=“Operation Nimrod” post=12252]Oh, and this is the one being talked about.


Thought that was just for Op Olympics?[/quote]

It was…

And because of its huge popularity and the fact that most of the RAF have got a handful of them… (Guess what’s coming next!)

Presumably the RAF want a new TRF as with the lack of the RAF FI on PCS, they no longer have the words ‘Royal Air Force’ written on the uniform.

Why they can’t just put the old FI on the blanking plate too though I don’t know…

Thata has to be a wahh???

Thata has to be a wahh???[/quote]

I truly wish it was.

Thata has to be a wahh???[/quote]

I truly wish it was.[/quote]

I now feel sad :frowning:

From my understanding the RAF TRF will only be used in the future when units are deployed overseas.

While in the UK they will be sporting an Op Olympic style badge, as per the picture.