Non-uniformed individuals are eligible for medals for service. A friend as a civilian worked at Bastion as an ICU Nurse on one of the Herrick tours, was awarded a campaign medal. So why not a CFM to a non uniformed staff member.
Was she a Civvie and not a member of the Army Reserves Med regiments/field hospitals?
But you are right the civvies that maintain the gym equipment at holiday camps like Bastion get the medal too I’m sure.
Civil Servants, yes.
Contractors, no.
She was a civi through the NHS scheme.
In theory they would, as they are an on-the-books uniformed instructor at that point, however they would need to remain a PI for an awfully long time to get the CFM. I’m not sure a commandant worth his or her salt would want to keep someone around who wasn’t prepared to attend the relevant courses within that 12 year time frame.
Personally I would lower the required time from 12 to 10 years. 10 years is already a pretty darn large amount of time to volunteer.
Contractors… yes
Depending on their role and where the company was based.
May have changed then. None that I worked with got a gong. But they got paid alot more than many in theatre, and got rotated in/out far more often too (but would still have qualified).
They did change the rules can’t remember what too Exactly, I qualify if I wanted one (which is a bit too far).
As I say It all depends on role and company.
I worked with a UK company on UK mod contract and qualified.
The funeral company staff who brought the bodies home all received one, some of them were out there and some back in the UK in support.
Also the UK contractors money is embarrassing now… I got offered another stint last year and thought it was a wind up. I get 5k more to stay in the UK AND they wanted me to pay for accommodation and food over there.
The US have cut their rates for contractors but they are paid from the moment they walk off the plane until they get back on it 3 months later. Everything is paid for once home they get a 50% pay for 4 weeks then offered another stint subject to a medical (mental health check).
I’d like some CI service to count towards the CFM …
I wanted to go into uniform at 20 at which point my 2 years as a Staff Cadet would have counted. However this was delayed by “wing” and therefore I lost those 2 years and another 5 as a CI.
Would also be good for it to count towards jubilee medals (when followed by uniform service). Assuming the next big one has a medal I’ll just miss out because of HQ losing my paperwork lots of times and delaying things. Though I wonder if they’ll just hold out and do one for QE2s hundredth birthday instead.
Being mr doom and gloom but A new monarch medal might arrive before both of them
True dat. I reckon within 6 months of old Phil going
Nah, they have been living separate private lives for 30 years if you listen to rumours from those who work in that world.
On the wall in my HQ is a board showing the names of our COs from 1909 to now. Until a certain date (I’ll check when I’m next in) all the COs held the TD, so there was clearly a change in policy at some stage. (All before me wore Army uniform )
We wont get the next coronation medal. Even QE2s was restricted in number.
I even doubt we would get the platinum jubilee medal as we are non military now.
My best guess is it is CFM only from now on.
But SNCOs got the previous jubilee medals even they were always civilians in uniform.
I disagree with regards to the jubilee medal. Although a chocolate gong, there’s plenty of lads and lasses who went on Ops that missed out of it, let alone adding all the CIs and staff cadets.
Not to mention the RFA being refused it but given out to the PCSOs, which was a huge slap in the face.
So I was right? CIs are seen as a progression into uniform within the ACF?
And why should I have to go into uniform to teach kids, if I have the relevant experience and expertise what difference does it make doing it in Uniform or as a CI?
I don’t know why you lot are obsessed with uniform and chocolate gongs or badge collecting.
I meant as an organisation we are no longer military.
The RAFAC/ACO was never a military organisation… it’s a youth organisation sponsored by the MOD