Celebrating Success / Feel Good Stories from the RAFAC

Lots of Councils really reviewed things after Grenfell.

For example, Hackney Council have a Luton Van loaded with emergency packs including clothes, blankets, food and water rations on call 24 hours a day. (They have an old civil defence bunker it’s based out of).

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And what would the CRAFACs reply be, let alone OC 22 Group.

But most importantly of all, they are part of that community and there maybe no close at hand AR or RNR units.

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I think what the main concern from HQ is that personnel should not be involved as it’s not part of MoD protocol it’s where the liability lands if a reason is injured

No issues probably with equipment & infrastructure just not people.


Good effort!


My old OC used to always say he felt most safe at cadets. He knew if he had a medical emergency surrounded by cadets he’d be looked after, compared to at work or out in public where who knows!

Great to see cadets living up to this sentiment out in the public eye! Awesome.

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Sounds like a great weekend of gliding ahead.

Good luck.

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And update.

Going well


This is the same place with the hoodie Fg Off White isn’t it? He posted about this earlier.

Glad it’s going well.

Says content not available for me?

Is it a locked group?

^ 661 VGS’ Open Page:

Context for those without wanting to visit Facebook:

661 VGS are attempting to operate from sun-up to sun-down today.
I believe the aim is to complete over 200 launches.

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Look very smart.

And not a WGBT device in sight. Who needs them eh?

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That doesn’t mean it wasn’t there, but then again we all know that large, public/national (or “national”) events aren’t required to adhere to the same standards as the rest of us peons.

I’m kidding, obviously, but even so we on ACC know that the cadets present were highly trained and specially selected according to rigorous criteria.

Still kidding


treading treacherous waters there, supposedly.

Not from the RAFAC, but strongly linked…and is a “good news” story I am surprised I haven’t heard about sooner (Brought to my attention through RBL promotion)

TLDR: Nathaniel McMurray is 18 and an Air Cadet who recently achieved his PPL and is aiming to fly 100 veterans over four dates (two still remain, one in July, one in August) to “somehow give back to the ex-service personnel that I so greatly respect”

He is raising money for the RBL after setting himself an ambitious challenge.

Seems like a great news story that I can’t say I have seen the RAFAC mention it anywhere


@Wizzle :point_up_2:

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Careful now. We wouldn’t want to advocate for flying in non-MoD checked aircraft…


in case people realise
1 - it can be done?
2 - it can be done well?


I can’t believe they put that photo up online without blacking out the SAS guys’ faces…

I’m honestly most insulted that the naming was done right to left.

Right to left?!?! Some kind of insanity that is.

But yeah, awesome effort from those cadets. Identify problem, report problem, treat problem. If these commandants coins things as seen in another post are a real thing, then these are the kind of cadets that should be recipients!

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