Cadet relationship

Exactly the point I was going to make. There need to be a line and I think that one makes sense.

But if the RAFAC has a promiscuity policy I’d be interested to find out what I’m entitled to!


How do you know this lad has done anything illegal? If you have proof of that then you need to alert the authorities.

The fact is, this is all based on gossip. Has anyone actually asked this guy or sat him down and discussed the policy and how it would look from the outside.

Granted it’s not ideal but there’s so many “what ifs” or “maybes” or second guessing or jumping to conclusions.


No. If that’s the response then a chat with him about the policy and tell him that you will refer it to the relevant officers and people, and say it will be out of your hands.

That is assuming he will respond that way, he could genuinely not realise or know or any number of reasons.

It’s certainly not a situation to turn a blind eye too But there’s a lot of uncertainties and what ifs that need addressed.

Except investigating it isn’t our job, that’s the responsibility of other agencies. The proper thing to do if they’re is suspicion of a criminal offende is report it and let the authorities do what they do.


If there is suspicion, Definately. But at the minute,
It’s gossip and hearsay and could be blown into a worse situation or out of proportion.

Yes, he is a Staff Cadet and will therefore have completed the AVIP which covers the RAFAC Policy and he will therefore fully understand the club rules.

In my opinion this should be reported to the Wing CPA / WEXO and the individual will then be suspended / removed from RAFAC for breaking the club rules. The CPA/WEXO should then follow up with the appropriate authorities, who will deal with it from a legal standpoint.

We have a duty of care over the 14 year old cadet, who no doubt thinks it’s amazing she has an older boyfriend, perhaps they met on one of these new national camps…

Yea i agree completely. But again, it’s just gossip.

You mean there isn’t a scale of entitlement or ATCO on the subject.

I’ll let you know if I find anything.

@MattB @Giminion I am fully aware they aren’t illegal, but what about the moral side of the coin, surely we don’t want people with poor morals looking after cadets, after all they could influence the sort of behaviours this cadet is exhibiting and as far as the lad is concerned he’s following the example of someone he looks up to in the Corps.

The problem is unlike the things I mentioned, whatever this lad is supposed to have done, even to the point of actually physically seeing this girl, will be little more than hearsay.

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Who are you to say what is immoral?

I can’t say that the activities I mention are high on the ‘well done’ list, exhibiting good moral fortitude, but here we ae moralising about something that is in all probability completely innocent, notwithstanding the legal aspect.

But then being cited as correspondent in a divorce case, does have its illegal element in terms of marriage being a legal contract and being the one to be involved of breaking that contract being an illegal act. If it wasn’t then the courts and solicitors and contracts around who has what etc wouldn’t be involved.

Speaking as a lawyer. What on earth are you on about?


And who are you to say what this situation is or isn’t, based on hearsay?

It’s really not hard. This lad could be staunchly religious and a wholesome kid. Not every teenage boy is a raving deviant despite what the media try and say. That being said, it still doesn’t make it right or any less weird.
And has anyone considered that maybe said girl has a crush and has maybe said some tall tales, if its come through friends of friends? There’s a million possibilities that we don’t know.

He could be a bad apple. We don’t know.

Either way it shouldn’t be ignored.

“Cadet X it’s come to my attention that X,Y,Z had happened, I would just like to remind you of the policy, which I had looked out for you and you can read it now(hand cadet said policy) and we can discuss what’s happened, otherwise I will have to progress this further up the relevant chain.”

Perhaps a refresher course too.

This whole thread has been a series of knee jerk reactions, to gossip. That’s not to say it is something or nothing.
Don’t ignore it, the policy is there, and if there’s any suspicion of any law breaking or child welfare issues or foul play, then you have the relevant authorities and procedures to follow.


That’s kinda my point, it’s not for us to investigate nor to decide what’s relevant information. There’s no harm in relaying the info to your CPO, who very well may say that it’s not enough. But you’re covered and if further monitoring provides more evidence or if reports reach the CPO from other sources then it does need to be escalated.

I’ll admit that my initial response should have had a caveat.