Noting that JNCO Courses are only open to Cpls and SNCO courses to Sgts there is still some tweaking with the wording to be done for the final copy (I hope) as some of this is to be done “In Rank”
What utter bilgewater. Further removing the autonomy of me as an OC.
Completed entry level health and safety award? Really? For what purpose? I refuse to deliver it on squadron because it’s not what cadets join us to do, so does that mean I can’t promote any corporal now?
Most of that is standard and I suspect most of us are doing it like this already, but the H&S Award is a load of cobblers and requiring every SNCO to have Bronze/Silver Leadership is dependant on Wings running sufficient Courses (which they don’t).
I would also work to the principle that this is a minimum? I expect far more from my candidates to pass the papersift and won’t Ben lowering my standards to appease anyone!
I do like structure and guidance…maybe because I sit in the spectrum somewhere but I fear that some of the higher quals such as AFA the RAFAC is not in a place to deliver it regularly and consistently that it’s easy enough for a cadet to attend and obtain
Did anyone speak to OCs about this? What input from squadrons was there?
I already have a broadly similar set of guidelines for people that I ask them to try and achieve so it gives them something to work towards but making it compulsory is stupid and restrictive.
Surely if they are tying PTS Courses to promotion we can bin off the ridiculous system that we have now where we are running NCO Courses without Leadership Training built into them and instead do one course that covers NCOmanship and Leadership? (So the JNCO Course gives you your Bronze Leadership).
So you have a region as big as S&NI, where do you hold the course, same as W&W?
Do you expect cadets and staff to travel to the Regional HQ or just many miles, probably on a Friday evening and leaving sometime Sunday? Accomodation?
That would be sensible, in my Wing they have split it all down, added a 2 day PNCO Course for reasons that are lost on me and have Bronze Leadership (when it runs) as a separate Wing Course.
Do OCs have to follow this to the letter or is there still a degree of autonomy? I know FS is a sector sign off, but Cpls and Sgts have always been at the discretion of the OC and rightly so.