Cadet BGA gliding

Just had a google - it seems to tally

is there a precedent for this though in a none aviation example?

Be that an AT or otherwise? It doesnā€™t have to be a fatality I just wonder has a ATC/RAFAC/RAF/MOD ā€œapprovedā€ third party provider be that AT, MT, or otherwise provided a service which resulted in sour consequences and what was the result?

Through Clarity we are constantly supplied coaches from the local bus companies. Given driving is seen as a major risk by HQAC, i wonder what incidents have happened by third party provided MT, and have they since been blacked balled?


The Air League use several different ATOs for their flying scholarships.

I presume they contract with them for numerous reasons such as size of facility, location, average age of aircraft, etc, etc.

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Why does the RAFAC have to ā€œapproveā€ anything?

Surely it should just stay in its lane.

If the provider can provide its RAs and other legal documentation, Iā€™d say itā€™s completely unreasonable to have anyone else double checking homework.

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Not come across the sandwich van problem - the Benson one is alive and well?

(thread drift!)

Tayside also did ā€˜familiarisation flightsā€™ or jollyā€™s as we called them, theyā€™d take three Cadets up for a flight around the local area for half an hour, possibly an hour (canā€™t quite remember), no instructing, just purely time in the air, one in the front, two in the back. So essentially what they could pay to do at the local flying club, except this involved a three hour drive each way.


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s operated by the holder of the exclusive catering contract?

If the event is coordinated, planned, advertised or implemented by any RAFAC resources then it will fall under RAFACs umbrella for assurance & compliance - for safeguarding reasons if nothing else. This includes discussing the event at the unit or advertising it using information that has been provided to RAFAC.

ACTO10 & local unit certify is meant to minimise the issues with this but it needs logging officially somewhere.

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Which is fine, in AT if the centre has a AAL thatā€™s it, we can use them with minimal details needed on SMS. Why canā€™t we have the same for BGA gliding?


Especially as some of them are nominated Youth centres, so safeguarding, etc, shouldnā€™t be an issue.

Iā€™m sure that the legal beavers could come up with a suitable disclaimer for RAFAC ā€œintroductionā€ but all risk, etc, would be under the BGA ( or ATO for powered flying).


Does the BGA have a system of safety approval & inspections of clubs?

I know nothing about them so curious on what the BGAs assurance process is?

It clearly was sufficient before as some BGA centres were going to be pre-approved to minimise the permission requirements under the then ACTO35.

I went to Cambridge Gliding Centre with the R Av O to start the set up. Shortly afterwards, ACTO35 was canned. :frowning:

Letā€™s combine parachute jumping with glidingā€¦ :smiling_imp:

As the BGA are mandated by the CAA to oversee gliding, therefore, what is the problem with the RAFAC accrediting the BGA as a suitable organisation. They put cadets on airlines, to go to camps, or between the IoM. NI, Channel Islands etc, do the RAF inspect them as well, what is the difference??

AVM Suraya Marshall who is the ACAS, is on the board of the CAA as the RAF representative.


Well, I went to DCAS beforeā€¦ :smiling_imp:

Naughty naughty inaccurate response to an FOI.

Do you know of any emails that have for sure been sent by an RC that mention BGA?

Yes. .

The person submitting the FoI mentioned one with 4 references to BGAā€¦

This response is incorrect and I suggest you make an application for an internal review. For your information I received an email from a regional commandant using his official email address on 1 July 2024 (so within your scope) which includes four mentions of the BGA. It contains some quite tasty information which would be uncomfortable for the BGA, RAF and Army relations so I wonā€™t post the content here as they may want to try and rely on an exemption to FOI still. But to tell you that no emails have been sent by regional commandants with those search terms in, is simply not true.


Is anyone actually help accountable when FOI responses just straight up lie? Surely the whole system is pointless if they can just lie and say there isnā€™t anything.