
Neither would I.

Especially given the stance Macron is taking he has similar issues in France with a good number of people wanting to leave the EU. He wants to take over from Merkel as top dog so this would perhaps concrete his place.

No UK PM to challenge him as top dog, a clear message to those in France wanting out. For him it would make some sense.

Nonsense. A pretty strong and united opposition. They rejected an election on Johnson’s terms. The opposition is dictating what the government can and can’t do and when the best time for an election is. They have pushed back the G.E. vote to cement legislation preventing the no Deal as is their priority.

Hamstrung government = weak opposition? Are we back in the “laugh” thread?


Saw this and thought it would bring some humour to this debacle…


i agree and disagree.

this is such a split topic and not one which is as black and white as one party versus another, ie Labour Vs Tory.

being the topic is a cross party split i really can’t see how a resolution can be readily or easily found - this was never going to be a clean process because within each party there is division.

If it were black and white the result would be easier, whoever is in Power gets there way - add into the mix the slim and now recently reverse majority for the Tories and it then is not so clean-cut.
now add in that the party as a whole are not pro-leave (perhaps as a party message yes, but not as individuals) it is no wonder this has become the mess we see before us.

if (when) there is a GE and campaigning starts neither the Tory or Labour will be pushing a “vote for us to remain” message - both want to honour the result from June 2016, while at the same time there will be individual MPs who are remainers (on both sides of the Labour/Tory divide) who are in either “remain” constituencies or very slim leave majorities who will struggle to push that message to their parish with the risk seats will be lost as we saw in the council elections back in May19 (where the remains claimed victory as those parties pushing a “remain” message won more seats as a cumulative score).

If what I see on FB is true that 55%+ of the population would now vote “remain” it may well be worth a single part sticking their head above the parapet and taking the risk on being a “remain” party - but that wont be the Tory or Labour parties simply because of the fear of dishonouring the referendum result AND betrayal of the constituents that MP represent.

a GE will be an interesting process particularly if the results match the Council elections in May…

It’s quite damning of the Government and Boris Johnson when even his own brother doesn’t agree with the approach being taken . . .

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cringe at the use of #overandout

[/radio pedant]

Are you implying that families have some sort of hive-mind?

now that would be scary wouldn’t it!

Given their sister was a change uk candidate I would rather think it speaks more about themselves to go and think for themselves as opposed to many others who decide the future of the country on who their parents and grand parents voted for…


Are they playing into Boris Johnson’s hands? A lot of people outside of Westminstee will see Boris Johnson trying to get this finished but being thwarted by Parliament, me included, just like they did with May although the deal she was given by the eu was a pile of dung, although those that opposed it, many did so just to be awkward, not because of the content.

Boris Johnson threw down the gauntlet to Corbyn and he refused to pick it up until the UKs position is we will just take whatever the eu let us have. As I say and will continue to say, you cannot go into any negation unless you have the option to just get up and walk away. It’s not how millennia of business deals work. When Corbyn was a union agitator I would lay my house on if he was in negotiations with “the bosses” he wouldn’t have if the ‘workers’ said we don’t want you to do this unless you take a, no deal option, ie a strike, off the table. It would have been pointless to enter into talks, as his hands would have been tied.

The language from the eu since day one has been “we can’t give the UK the terms they want, as other countries could see an opening to leave”. Which begs the question … if being a member of the eu is so wonderful why would they think other countries would want to leave? The only countries and people who see the benefits of the EU see it as a milk cow to be squeezed hard and often. But that’s our money which could be put to much better use in the UK.

Am I the only one to be concerned that too many commentators, both here and elsewhere, are talking of the 31st October as a final end point. Unless I have missed something we are not in a position to negociate any long term agreements with the EU to improve on WTO terms until we have left and that process could be prolonged. To loosely quote a previous PM, “This is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but it may be the end of the beginning”.


Whenever we leave I don’t think anyone thinks that was it and it is the start of the process to become self-determining nation. But I do think we need to leave on 31st OCT with or without a deal so we can move onto the next stage.
Although not entirely surprised, I thought the eurocrats would have been looking to get this done and not be so intransigent and childish.

No not at all. as I alluded to in this post…

in that case you are clearly mistaken…

You bring up a very good point in this process.

What is also worrying is no opposition party has given any idea or indication on what they Invisage
For the future of the uk away from the EU.

BJ did give a bit of an outline of what he wanted to see for the future but I personally felt it was very simple, he could of pushed out and gave people something to aim for rather than what we already have.

My apologies for lack of focus.

Just read this on the BBC news regarding the BA strike.

British Airways and its pilots have been urged by Number 10 to “sort out” the dispute which will see pilots walk out next week in a row over pay.

“The unions and BA need to get round the table and sort this out. The public would expect nothing less,” it said.

I didn’t know whether or not to laugh or cry. I mean come on, how hypocritical can the government be, when it’s exactly what the public want them to do on Brexit!

In fairness number 10 is trying to sort Brexit but is hampered by parliament

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And lose.


Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett said she could immediately appeal because of the important points of law at stake.

I’d disagree with the word ‘sort’ - sorting brexit is a hugely complex tast covering pretty much every area of trade, legislation, commerce, governance and regulation. One could argue that politics has failed massively in not having made a great deal of progress on it over the last three years, but what it being attempted isn’t ‘sorting brexit’, its akin to thinking that stuffing some clothes in a bag and charging out of the house is an effective way of bypassing the expensive, time consuming, fraught and difficult process of getting divorced and dividing all the assets and agreeing on how the kids are going to be brought up.

Anyone who has been through a divorce knows that the bit where one of the parties leaves the marital home is only the start of it - no deal brexit is like that, and I’m afraid that the evidence that no deal is the only realistic outcome by the 31st October is everywhere: quite simply the only people in the whole of the EU who say that there have been remotely detailed negotiations over the last month is the Johnson PR machine. Not one other EU official or member state official politician thinks that there has been any kind of substantive discussion about a deal.