Which is a stupid requirement when considering air rifle only facilities / RCO cse (especially if no desire to move onwards to “greater” things).
I had an “interesting” conversation for my SC - they needed more information concerning (at the time) my 85 yr old mother - specifically relating to any full details of any live-in partners since my father died in 1975. I found it extremely difficult, but managed (just) to remain polite to outline that there had been zero such partners - & what did they expect??!! I also asked them to refresh their knowledge about my Service security clearances - which got an intake of breath when they realised how high they were!
It’ll be challenging! Getting 17 yo cadets to Wing HQ during the working week so that they can show ID to the 2 civil service staff in the Wing who can kick off the BPSS?
Hopefully there will be sessions organised at major Wing events. Even 2 per year would help a lot.
It makes me smile the residency rules have been relaxed. Comes across as a panic move the same as in lot of sports so foreigners can play for adopted countries.
It will require Wings to delegate. As far as the MOD are concerned if you’ve got valid SC check then you can sign of BPSS paperwork.
My wing hasn’t gone quite that far along the sensible route yet but they have at least provided a good “induction” to my sector officer so that she can now sign off the BPSS paperwork locally.
The IBN does basically support that view too…
All that’s really needed is to read the guidance so that people know what to look out for in the way of forged documents.
“If local circumstances dictate, verification checks can be delegated to suitable CFAV personnel; however, the individuals nominated must review the online guidance at DBS NSV, hold SC clearance, be formally approved at RHQ level and a 10% assurance check of their vetting processes must be carried out by MOD Civil Servant staff at Wg HQs, RHQs or equivalent for 2FTS/6FTS and CCF”
Not quite as clear cut as “just needs an SC” but sadly I read that some years ago (probably in JSP 440) and I can’t recall now exactly where… I can search when I’ve got time if needed.
So if we all have to be BPSS and SC cleared……
All we need is RHQ approval and it is back to the old system of OC seeing docs and jobs a good’un with WHQ doing 10% audit
So with this and OASC going back to almost pulse check and a chat level we have gone through 5 years of upheaval to end up at the same place but with ‘new’ processes……
I think Malcolm Tucker or Sir Humphrey would have a description for this - very different words but intrinsically the same message
Raise it to your Wing Commander to challenge with the RC as that will become a blocker eventually. They are clearly making their own jobs up and that’s not how it works.