Boots 2021-22 Edition

Bear in mind some of them are now pretty old, and I won’t have paid full price for any of them… :flushed:

Way back when (when Magnums were half decent) I had a pair of their Assault boots with the zips… failed somewhat quickly, (within a year of moderate cadet (road marching) use) i didn’t get another pair.

Edit to add (so as not to seem completely biased): when they were still serviceable, they were light, comfortable and stayed waterproof (even around the zip which I was somewhat skeptical about)

I’ve got a pair of these.
As comfortable as regular Magnums and yes slightly quicker to lace up. I have the top three eyelets loosened off, fit to my foot zip up and pull laces tight.

I’d get some again and can’t see any disadvantage other than slightly harder to polish (ie around the zip). My use is mild Sqn based weekend stuff and supporting Wing shooting…

If like @Victor_Zulu you’re using for more significant wear they’ll not perform any better than standard magnums…

Thank you it would mostly be inside wear and some occasional outdoor stuff I just liked the idea of quick putting on as have 8 mins to go from sitting at home to arriving at an emergency. I might give them a go thank you all

Another option for quick donning without the issue of side zips eventually failing, might be the old front zip inserts which were somewhat popular in the 90s (or at least, Silvermans wanted us all to think that they were popular).


I’ve never used them so I couldn’t say whether they are much good. But now that I think about them again I’m tempted to try them on my rock boots - they’re a pain in the backside to don and doff at the best of times, so anything which speeds it up might be handy.
I might make my own though.

Oh God, you’re one of those weirdos who goes running around mountains! People think I’m weird for walking them… :rofl::stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you I will look into these that would certainly give me more options. I didn’t know this existed

Owning fell running trainers doesnt mean I actually use them for fell running :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (I do occasionally get dragged out on some local hills tho…). You can come join in if you want :wink:

:mountain: :running_man:

Although apparently I have vaguely admitted doing this before!