Best Sqn Bank Accounts

Trying to set up a Sqn bank account after ours has been managed for a long time by Wing Committee.

Any recommendations on bank accounts with low fees, access to debit card and ideally 24/7 banking.


We were in a similar position but my new committee set it up entirely - I was part of the discussions but as OCs aren’t a voting member of the Comittee I didn’t get to vote on the final decision. (we ended up using Barclay but are considering changing as you now need a paying in book and we don’t have a local branch after it closed end of last year)

we use Holts they are very Military focused and get us :slight_smile:

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We have just joined NatWest. Working out well so far. Mobile app does the job - can request & authorise payments with ease.

Only downside is you do need to have one of the account holders to be an existing NatWest customer.