Beret badges

Because if the ATC is just a part of the RAF, why not do away with all sub unit badges?

Assuming I understand you correctly, I’m not sure the RAF have any legit formation patches in the same way the Army do.

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Or regimental and corps cap badges for that matter. The RAF Regiment has only mudguards and a different stable belt [buckle] to distinguish them from us ‘guins.

Reg Sqns have their own patches but I assume they are worn with the regular TRF not instead of?

Sqns certainly have patches, but whether they’re actually authorised is different.

There are also the flying patches for grow bags. I assume they are governed separately.

I’m not just talking about the RAF. If the ATC cap badge is an irrelevance. As some think here. Why not all?
In fact, why do we need any special unit uniforms? Just do away with the lot. MTP for work, a generic brown service dress for parades, unified badges.

Job jobbed.

ATC used to have its own buttons, but now they wear RAF buttons on No. 1 SD and even on the jumper. Cap badge should go the same way, for the same reasons.

The reason we don’t have our own buttons anymore is the ATC isn’t issued a service dress with buttoned up jacket?

When you say this: are you taking full account of the fact that RAF Air Cadets are the only UK cadet organisation to NOT have the word “CADETS” always marked on the uniforms of its cadets?

Yet RAF Air Cadets is the only UK cadet organisation to have the word “CADETS” marked on the uniforms of all its adult staff…

Someone feel free to tell me I’m wrong in my first observation above: because I am. But…only since the recent advent of the infamous falconized TRF, when Cadets are wearing greens. And only when Cadets are over-18 and in blues, ie Staff Cadets.

Yes: this does mean that in most public contexts, the individuals that are Cadets usually aren’t actually labelled as having that protected/respected status: yet the individuals that aren’t Cadets are always labelled as if they were.

[ETA- except on formal parades, when if all Staff are in No1, and all Cadets in No2 dress…the only people wearing the actual word ‘Cadet’ in uniform are really adults with less than two years service left]


DPM used to have Air Cadets on the shirt/jacket (with Royal Air Force for staff)

Are we also the only cadet organisation still using brassards?

I don’t think SCC wear them though CCf RN might still do.

Not when they get their RNPCS they won’t.

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The junior sea cadets do. So it’s ATC, CCF(RAF), and the 6 year old sea cadets all in one boat.

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But Junior Sea Cadet service counts as service in the Royal Navy. (At least if you’re a Chief Constable)


I find it ominous that a well known retailer of cadet kit has just sent a mail out promoting No2 uniform for sale.

I was told, via the committee chair, that we’re going to be expected to buy a lot more uniform ourselves, including cadets’ uniforms. Not heard that from anywhere else yet.

I’ve heard similar rumours.

The issue that raises is that new stock No2 can’t be bought on the open market, save for the odd bits that make it through MOD disposals.

No3 would be easier though possibly more expensive, as most of the after market Multicam kit is at the higher end.

If they’re going to be making parents buy it, they need to change the uniform and preferably go for one uniform that suits all purposes.

Stuff that’s more suitable for kids going through growth spurts etc.