
I’ve sent mine off.

This has made up for all the pain over the past few years. Finally I won’t have to shave as much!

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Here, here! I shaved mine off on the morning of travelling to OASC.

My letter is wrote up and ready to go.

Out of curiosity, on what grounds can it be refused, if any?

This is simply going to result in a bunch of unshaven Male cadets mouthing off about “growing a beard”.
Letters will be written, parents will moan, cadets will kick off and staff will have to waste far too much time on this.

Really the best answer would have been to allow staff and maybe staff cadets but not 14 year old sprogs with lofty ideas of manhood. Or simply too lazy to shave.

Not looking forward to this BS if I’m honest.

Fine for the regulars, not thought out for us.


I’m on lates for the next few weeks so have already started growing mine!

I think we should have a Judge and Jury set up on ACC for people to submit pictures of beards 2 weeks in and we can decide who gets to keep them and who does not.


Spot on.

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I’m game…quite happy to weald the axe


Will we notice a difference between your before and after pictures?


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Maybe we could incorporate best beard into Wing competitions day?


Surely the “best beard” is no beard at all!


Can you not say such career ending stuff out loud, please?

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I was hoping someone would!

Top fella!

I’m really not sure that they’ve thought this through wrt to the whole Wg OC thing.

How is the wing commander going to inspect everyone’s beard in practice? Especially come 1 Sep, when they’re probably going to get a deluge of requests come through. It’s not the RAF where one can simply pop over and see the SWO in his office.

Delegation to OCs would have been much more sensible IMO.


You can now beard in both hats officially! I kind of agree. Although I can imagine some Sqns, certainly in our wing just allowing what every patches of fur appear

Well then that can be a chat that the Wg CO can have with the OC…

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A lot of schools don’t allow beards, so to be optimistic it may not be to bad of an issue. I know for a fact that our school you have to be clean shaven so that carries over to CCF sooooooo… sorted over here. :joy:

Until summer camp…

I doubt it. Most cadets have trouble noticing what’s going on in front of their face, the chances they’ve kept up to date with a fairly minor bit of news is remote at best.