
Can’t view that while logged in at work (conflicting O365 accounts) - does it state approval process for CCF?

Kind of. Approval sought from Wg Cdr CCF , thereafter “The Wing Warrant Officer, or equivalent in CCF terms, on behalf of the Wg Cdr/Wg Cdr CCF, will act as the final arbiter of what is, or is not, acceptable.”

Did you mean from me?

No HQAC reacting from noise about it

Anyways who’s looking foward to the “my wing commander/WWO wont let me grow a beard, what can I do?” Posts that will fill this place up in Sept??!


Why is there the need to ask wing? If it’s between the max and min lengths I don’t see the issue, as long as OC Sqn ensures they keep to the 2 weeks policy. And before people say they wont, how often does a wwo come around to check anyway? This is going to become such a big part of their roles I suggest the creation of a new wing staff role:

Wing Beards Authority Officer :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Called it wrong there good sir!

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The 2 weeks thing doesn’t even work in reality. It isn’t like we are in uniform 5 days a week, 9-5. Holidays and non-uniform plans can easily give many weeks to sort out face fuzz, and we also need to deal with a scenario where Cdt Smith goes on 3 months study leave and returns looking like Brian Blessed!


Please. God. No.

Another question is how does one word a letter to their wing commander regarding a beard?

As you can imagine, I am poised ready to write one as we speak.

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I would like to grow a BIG BUSHY BEARD.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr Nobeard Valiant


I also am poised - says to send to Wg Cdr via Chain of Command. So I guess I actually email Test Sqn Ldr.

Dear Sir,

As winter approaches I fear it’s cold embrace upon mine cheeks.

I desire to get ahead of this and grow a snuggly beard.




My wing Cos reaction to said letter.


I am glad someone got the reference :slight_smile: My faith in humanity is restored.


I go on holiday for two weeks in Sep, then am on a course at Windermere. I now don’t have to pick up a razor for that whole time! Giving me three weeks, plus potentially another two to really see how poor a beard I can really grow!


This is going to open the flood gates to cadets walking round with a patchwork of whiskers. And a good few staff too.

I am not looking forward to the next few months.


I mean, the key here is a full set in 2 weeks right?

How many cadets can honestly claim to managed that. My lot would be a festival of peach fuzz.


My old OC was the spitting image of Jim Broadbent in Hot Fuzz, he had the accent and everything :joy:

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My letter is written and ready to go. Not really sure on the wording but basically asks for permission to grow a beard as per regs in AP1358C. Time will tell.

Guessing this letter has to go to my sector OC first?

Let your Squadron OC see it and send it up to the Wexo. they will distribute it to whoever gets lumped with dealing with the queries.

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