Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

Taxpayers pockets

would you rather every employee had to buy their own license?

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Well the NHS does make it’s medical staff pay for their own medical licences :stuck_out_tongue:

oh yeh, good point :stuck_out_tongue: (but don’t go giving the MoD ideas like that!)

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Patiently waiting for my personal account email! Can’t wait to give it a go. Yes I’m sad and don’t care


I just want to be able to get into mine before the inevitable cries for help from the less technically minded members of the sqn :sweat_smile:


I’m expecting its a phising email from a certain member of my team despite being told to expect

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I’m keen to see how it’ll tie all the role accounts together!


That requires patience as is Phase 4 :slight_smile:

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I got 101 - not quite 100 but I don’t mind that at all!

As long as they didn’t put you in room 101

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Down you go!!


Beat me to it.

Paul Merton format was much better IMHO

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Semi related question… Can we set up distribution lists?

The normal distribution lists should still exist, no? If you want to make custom ones then I’m 99% sure you’ll be able too. I certainly have managed it before on O365. I’d have to google to remember how though!

I think you have to set up an outlook group?

Yes you do - then you get a Sharepoint site, distribution list (and possibly a Team too)

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Perfect I’ll have a play this weekend

Steady tiger, give us a chance :wink:

And in an ideal world where money is no object, then they would. But we don’t so they won’t. Just like Staff Cadets who do not fill a defined role on the unit.

This is fake news and absolutely not true at all.

This is also incorrect; RAFAC is not part of the MOD central licensing (but I would argue we should be).

Unfortunately, you would be wrong.

Yes, but wait out for further information.