Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

Has MS Forms gone now then? Went to login this morning to find it’s not be permitted access by your organisation… anyone else? :slight_smile:

Just after we’ve started digitising a load of our discip and uniform processes…

I love this organisation

Yesterday it was working a dream and then this morning, boom… gone… no warning. I’m sure it was listed as one of the applications that was due to stay even after than licencing changes!

We run knowledge tests, uniform inspections, discip records and all sorts through forms and now we can’t access any of our information…

Here’s hoping its a mistake and it reappears soon (doubt)

Have we lost Teams too?

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All working fine this end?

Both Teams and Forms are available to me.


Is that with your 100 account? Nobody at my unit has access to forms at the moment. Just says “Your organization has not enabled Microsoft Forms for your current account”

Yep, forms have gone. Great.

I’ve reported it the the Bader Team, they are looking into it atm.


I can access it through web and app, although the shortcut in office 365 has gone.

Temporary blip, fix has been applied and should filter to all within 30 mins.


Still not back for me… :cry: