Bader Personal Accounts - They're Here!

Nothings running until tomorrow, bows the best time before accounts start to be generated

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Turns out there was a space after my first name so my personal account has been generated as firstname-.surname100@… (note the hyphen!)

My fault… But maybe worth applying a trim function to names, to remove rogue spaces, before generating email addresses!

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That’s frustrating as I only did a visual check

Yeah I just checked mine as no email of yet… All good for me!

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I’ve not had an email yet but notice on my SMS profile a “personal account” email has been set under my contacts personal info tab.


ooh, me too - and I have the 100 version :tada:

(I’d be surprised if there wasn’t another person with my name in the org - there are 2 of me at work, one in a different department but does vaguely similar stuff and we frequently get mixed up… even my boss managed to email him instead of me recently :roll_eyes:)

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Still no email here, but SMS does show my new email already! (and I got 100 :smiley: )


Such excitement.

Dug Wagging Tail


So that’s important to more people than just me…

Except I was prepared to ask about it before.


We all want to be Number 1… ita human nature.

but we’re number :100:, which is even better!



Very good.

I’m 100 too! :smile:

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I still think it should have been the last 3 of your service number (it was for me when I was in the regs), but heyho, another :100:


I didn’t really consider it a thing that I wanted until you mentioned it before :stuck_out_tongue: Now I’m happy I have it! :100: :100:

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Also a 100 for me it seems.

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Issue with that being (if I understand service number generation correctly) there is an outside chance (however small) 2 people could have the same name and the same final 3

I am the only person in the UK with my name, so was expecting to be :100:

My understanding was in fact that is checked during the service number generation so the combination of first name, last name and last 3 digits is always unique.


Yes, there is. But it worked in the regular forces - with far more people having an email address - so I think the odds work out.

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Useful to know. Obviously I have no input into that side of things, but having worked on projects outside RAFAC requiring generation of unique IDs my thought process instantly headed towards potential problems