AV MED 1 and F6424 Changes and Procedures

Another change without notification (or side-lining in the form to highlight the change!).

The claim form has been amended for the order of process:


This completed form, and invoice, must be handed to the cadet to be sent to Wing HQ or CCF Con Cdr.


So it avoids needing to be pre stamped, but reduces chances of the GP being paid… as the onus is not on them.

I like the cover letter and it saves me writing one as I was going too.

:rofl: just after i started arguing with my WeXO about sending me stamped F6424s

I didn’t have the argument - but I’ve notified Wg of the protocol change, & cancelled my request for several pre-stamped / signed copies! :wink:

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The AvMed form has been updated again!

This is now sorted, looks like a much better document, all formatted nicely for printing.

The fact we still need a printed and signed document is another issue though…


Hoorah, looks like my chat with AOC 22 Gp & Cmdt RAFAC (who took the action item on this) has borne fruit! :wink:


This. 100%

It’s actually increased the number of signatures required. Before it was cadet and parent. Now OCs have to sign it too!




So the OC has to trust the veracity of what they are being told, does this mean he is signing his life away?

We already sign the flying programme sheets for Flying and Gliding, confirming people are medically fit and we’ve done the 6424 process for everyone. I don’t see what signing it again individually adds, other than admin.


How many times do cadets get a larger camps to find there’s flying and the AVMED1 and SMS does match!!

I confirm that I have seen and scrutinised the above AvMED 1 and, can further confirm that, where required, the F6424 process has been completed and that the F6424 is attached.

At least it isn’t asking to confirm accuracy, however…

Signing to confirm that 6424 is complete and attached is stupid. It’s either there or it isn’t and that declaration does nothing.

I can only imagine that this is intended to ensure someone is checking against 3822H (without explicitly saying so, making it a seriously sketchy move), but we still can’t guarantee that SMS is correct - especially for short term conditions. How far can we really be expected to go down this check and double check rabbit hole before someone says “Hold up, why aren’t we putting the responsibility for this on parents?”?

I can’t tell if someone is hiding a headache or ear ache on the day they go flying, or if they had a seizure last week at school that they haven’t declared to us. There is no value in that signature and it feels like it puts OCs at risk.


Typical, came out about 12hrs after I sent a batch out to parents for a possible opportunity flight… never mind.

But an improvement.

New IBN here.

New IBN here

Update to the F6424, and a good update too. Should make it some what easier to get the forms signed off if you have a GP that is being difficult.

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Crikey do people still have their “own GP”???

Although I do not go to the Drs often, both my wife and I are assigned the “next available Dr” and never have the luxury of requesting to see Dr Simpson, or Dr Griffin

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You should actually have an assigned GP.

well that is good to know :+1:

in practise however - i have no clue who that might be or even if i have ever met them in the few occasions i have been to the GP practise!


Yeah, I don’t even have a single GP surgery anymore, let alone a single GP!

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