ATC forage cap?

Erm whilst looking around I stumbled across a full ATC Forage cap with the cap badge and ATC buttons and all, I thought there’s no way this existed and I couldn’t find any other sources on it and when was it even used? If anybody has any reason for it’s existence would be greatly appreciated

From 1946 on sale

I have an old photo at the squadron, 1950s I think, of cadets wearing exactly that!

When did they stop.using battle dress/forage caps in the ATC?

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Believe what people say on here and we never should have!

My guess is early 1970s?


Late 70 for battledress and “hairy Mary”s.


Note that these are not an item permitted for wear anymore, before you go and make that purchase just because it looks Gucci.

This was the only inaccurate point of your post

Which is criminal, when AP 1358 allows wear by any rank in No. 2 SD.


Good luck finding anyone under WO rank who frequently wears one though…

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They’re fairly common in High Wycombe, although I only use mine when it’s warm enough not to wear a jacket (as it fits in the trouser pocket much better than a beret).

It’s a very early part of the wartime ATC dress.

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Wow you look so young in that pic :grimacing:

The 70’s started with the hairy Mary uniform but berets were the order of the day. Late 70’s saw the introduction of the crew neck woolly pulley and real trousers. We even introduced girls into the organisation around that time seeing the demise of the GVC(Air) as a result.

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Cheeky sod :joy::joy::joy:

Whilst were locking threads, can we lock this one…too much risk of forage caps being worn.

I’ve ordered mine and I’ve made my own CI Badge for it :grimacing:

already ordered, Blue-grey, Wedgewood piping and ATC capbadge in Subdued black like the Regt lads have :grin: :grin: