AT Quals and the Faff that is

That’s what I did in March, shame is we got called off after a day on Bala.

I have read this and many other threads on this forum as a way of preparing for my training and service in RAFAC and quite frankly I am becoming more disillusioned with every thing I read. It seems to me that there are more people on here who delight in ridiculing and putting down genuinely interested and well intentioned volunteers than those who give constructive advice. You have had a very rough ride over your post my friend and I think it is time those with delusions of grandeur started to help by giving constructive advice rather than berate and ridicule those who ask the way forward. Surely it is for everyone in the organisation to encourage and guide those who are asking, I can see why RAFAC is having problems retaining staff/volunteers, I for one have started to ask myself if this is what I want from an organisation that I am prepared to give my time and experience.

Not sure where anyone has been ridiculed for asking the way forward?


Spelunking?? Yeah. You can keep that.

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it wasn’t actually! I’ll PM you :slight_smile:

If there’s anything you’ve spotted that you think breaches the AUP then feel free to flag it. I know that there are things that have been amended or removed in this and most other threads, but sometimes things get missed. I’m sure @anon9987823 would have flagged anything they took exception to here.

This thread is an amalgamation of a couple of different topics under the same banner - and there is A LOT of good information here (even within the first 10 replies), as there are on most threads.

To avoid derailing the topic too far, please feel free to send me a message if you have any queries or concerns. You should certainly feel welcome here (I know this isn’t your first post, but welcome to ACC) and I hope you stick around and stay involved.


@oldstarter the other thing to remember is the negativity bias.

We often talk about negative things as that’s what people often do (rightly or wrongly) but at the end of the day we are all (mostly) still in the organisation! So it can’t really be that bad!


We welcome all.
Even miserable so and so’s like me.

The org is good on the whole. What you will find on here are a lot of good people arguing over the minutiae details trying to improve things in their own way. Sometimes we ‘come to blows’ other times we sit and drown our sorrows. But most the time it’s a favourable working environment for gathering info, and doing the best we can in a shoddy world.

Welcome on board.

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I have posted a reply on the thread that covers my views I hope it addresses the questions of the other participants.
Many thanks

MCI is expensive though, and I guess as an OC I’d be keen to support it, but I’d query the return the unit would get for the investment. Small scale activities, only really new thing would be outdoor leading from a cadet point of view, useful at Corps.

I’ve a couple of my staff looking at ML winter training, having done mine many moons ago I don’t see that it would be worth spending all of squadrons money on what would essentially be 1 winter skills course a year most likely.

We are looking at funding a Local Cave Mine leader for a staff member too.

Suppose it depends what it is.

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for things like MCI / 4* sea / Winter ML / (and the equivalent mountain bike, and caving, etc), I actually don’t think Sqns should pay - I’d advocate a Regional or Corps AT development fund


I would agree, some sort of central training fund for the top tier stuff, but with an expectation of some contribution from the staff member too.

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Exactly. All of those high level courses definitely have a place in this organisation, I think there just needs to be a more pre-agreed return on investment. Having an MCI in the region would be great if they were out delivering LLA/ML/CWAI etc! Winter ML would be great in those areas that get snow on the hills as you could take cadets out year-round. I could go on.

But as said, I think if region were going to pay for it there would need to be an agreed upon plan of what they will give back.

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Forgive me, as I could be wrong, but aren’t we lacking a policy on this?

Any business would have a policy covering eligibility and the mechanics of who, how and where for such courses / quals. Why don’t we have this? It should then remove any infighting/ tit for tat over funding and costs, and ultimately provide us with more, better qualified staff to offer more activities.

I don’t think I’ve seen a policy on this, no. That said, this is potentially at a high enough level that it would be very much case-by-case decision from Andy/Budget holder. I doubt there would be more than 1 staff member a year looking to do anything at the level we’re talking about. (MCI/ML(W) etc)

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Since the funds used would likely be non-public money would it not be for the individual, Squadron, Wing, Region or Corps Committee to decide upon rather than HQAC having a policy?

The thing is once you get to that level you are in most cases doing it for a living, you need to be just to get the amount of time in to attain and maintain the skills. With that being the case is it really for the organisation to effectively buy someone a skill which will become their occupation if it isn’t already?

I actually don’t see it as a problem but I do think some form of black and white agreement explaining how the organisation is going to get its monies worth is definitely in order. (If the Squadron funds an LLA who promptly leaves without giving anything back it’s annoying but most Squadrons will be able to swallow it, but if we have paid for someone to become a Winter ML however that’s a big chunk of change for a Squadron, Wing or Region to have thrown away.

Hmm, I’m not sure I agree - e.g. there are a few Wings that have 4* WW paddlers, if it’s your main sport / hobby, it’s a relatively straightforward path to 4*. I actually know an MIC (now renamed WMCI) who still has a full time office job and just does MIC-stuff on the side

There will alway be exceptions, but holding down a full time job and keeping up with a hobby to that standard doesn’t leave much time for Cadets (unless you hate your partner).

I’m not opposed to helping people at that level, we need some people who can do that, I just would want a very clear agreement as to what we would get out of it.



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Time to get my 4* :slight_smile:
I think something like I’ve had when work pay for courses. If you leave within 1 year you repay it all, and then a sliding scale where less gets repaid as time passes, with the ability to speed that up by using it