Astra Clothing Programme

Allyness saves lives!!!


I think that looks good and would be a really practical working uniform. The brazzard should fit as well. Ideal for general Sqn evenings, first aid, shooting, car parking/fetes, even some map reading/basic AT activities. I really like the idea.

However, I don’t see that it could fully replace either No2s or No3s so we would end up with 3 sets of uniform rather than 2. Perhaps No3 could be issued only for fieldcraft activities, as we do with specialist AT clothing. It could also be a challenge for Sqns and cadets to store and issue another style of uniform, as well as the cost. Those aren’t insurmountable though.

You issue AT clothing??

That’s the nub of it, it would only work if it replaced all modes of No2.
Otherwise it’s adding an extra pair of trousers (and a blue smock) in place of the working blue shirt, and I can’t see that being funded.
The RN pattern PCS, being fire retardant, would be expensive.

It looks OK, far more practical for the average parade night, ranges etc and better for community work than DPM/MTP. But do we keep light blue shirts?
Compared to when I was a cadet, we had one uniform and coveralls (which never really got used except on camp), today it’s a veritable fashion show cat walk in terms of the variety/versions.

So they’ve basically transitioned the RNPCS shirt into a Working Blues shirt with a Velcro name patch instead of pockets?

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I’d think of it more like their own version of the MTP Barrack shirt.

There is of course no way that the RAF would adopt this as an additional uniform since there’s no need for it. A large additional expense for little to no benefit. Never going to happen.
As has been said, it could only ever be considered as a total replacement for the current style of No 2 uniforms and, frankly, I can’t see that happening any time soon.

More AT equipment I suppose (rucksack etc) but we have some good quality waterproofs that we issue for specific activities. We could do something similar for fieldcraft if No3 wasn’t issued to all cadets

Fair enough, I thought you were suggesting that you have a store of trousers, t-shirts, mid-layers etc and was mildly jealous.

On a previous unit, I got funding for good quality fleeces and waterproofs, but not managed that on my current unit yet.

Trousers are tempting too, now you mention it. Most cadets never have good walking trousers. Female cadets often prefer leggings, but they’re not ideal.

Bin greens alltogether.

Have a blue PCS uniform like above for shooting, AT etc.

Have light blue short sleeve shirts for on squadron/classroom activities for summer.

Have light blue long sleeve shirts for winter with tie for formal parades - and be allowed to wear jumpers with no tie.

Hasn’t really cut down on the uniforms, but I just don’t think that PCS is smart enough for a normal parade night!

Doing Fieldcraft in blues are you?

For me,

Retain Greens for Green Staff
Use Blue PCS for most Blues Nights
Issue Wedgewoods as we do now purely for formal occasions.
Allow Black Boots to be worn with all 3 uniforms.

The RAF if they were to get Blue PCS would use it as they currently do No2C, only for Technical Trades in hangers.

How about just following the RAF lead and adopting, promptly whatever uniform changes they make.

The only uniform we presently have which can do all things is number 3 (CS95 or MTP).
So if simplification and cost reduction is desired then simply issue all cadets MTP. Bin everything else.

No brassard with MTP however :face_vomiting:


Why not do fieldcraft in blues? We did it in BD or maybe coveralls and you know the experience was the same as it is now. Having varieties of uniforms for this and that, has probably cause more anguish than it’s worth and in the the umpteen changes of “cammo” more than any other. So getting rid of ‘greens’ definitely, given that cadets are invariably dressed in cast offs, be that what we can scrounge or what they buy from Bert’s Bargain Army Surplus. If staff want to wear it to boost their egos fine.

MTP/DPM only God no. Every year on parades the ACF det cdr says I wish my cadets looked as smart as yours do, but we only get whatever the Army is deciding to wear. At least the other option looks half-way decent for parades.

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Because we don’t live in the 1940s any more…


I was born in the 60s, so I wouldn’t have a clue about the 1940s, except what you see on TV and films.
If there was a change it needs to be far more practical than what we have now. I remember all the comments about sqns who spent more time in “green” than “blue” for no specific reason, other than the staff preferred it to blue, so having something like this eventually would make much more sense and hopefully reduce all the tiresome BS that has grown up around uniform. Imagine the dress regs reduced to half a dozen pages.

How would it make more sense in any world except yours?

The Corps spent decades dressed in basically the same getup as when it first started.
We now have a far more appropriate set of uniform for practical tasks and for field activities. One which is better suited, more practical, and more comfortable than just throwing a set of coveralls on over the top of blues.
There is absolutely no need to go back in time.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again if we don’t return to a proper uniform WHAT IS THE POINT?

I for one welcome the opportunity to wear a busby and a stand collar in the field.


I must say that I think a nice extra-smart uniform for the RAF would be nice. Something just like that to mirror the Army No 1.

Whilst they are at it perhaps they could fix the small faux pas whereby WO and Officers wear brown gloves with black shoes… Ughh.
Chuck in a Sam Browne whilst they’re at it… The RAF uniform always looks a bit bare.


Multiple uniforms with multiple components is far more expensive which is what we have now. it originated in the 80s when the bean counters weren’t casting so much of a beady eye over MOD financial workings, although we were never scaled for “green” and it was more of a hotchpotch than what we have now. I can’t think the MOD (like a lot of the public sector) will be allowed to be as unaccountable.
I can’t imagine an air cadet squadron that hasn’t got shelves and or cupboards taken up with uniform of one type or another. Getting rid of it is a bit like that thing you find and bin it, only to find just after it’s just what you need and go and buy it.