Astra Clothing Programme

Good lord, I am not wearing that.
It’s an Military Service not a Boiler repair service.

I think they work okay if the collar is replaced with a short, stand up collar; the buttons are replaced with a zipper; and the whole thing is made from wicking fabric… But not so much on a polo shirt.

They make sense for the PC as they display the shoulder/warrant number. There is just no need to have the sleeve rank for the Skipper.

The current Met Police ones are like a UBACS in white, they have a wicking body to go under body armour but normal sleeves/collars so that you can still wear a tie with them. Are these the same?

Not what I was thinking of; but those sound like a sensible approach for those forces who want to look like a smart shirt is being worn.

I’m thinking of this kind of thing:
Shoulder tabs don’t look out of place, as they do on a polo shirt.

That’s been standard in the garda síochána for years on shirts, jumpers and jackets

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I’ve just noticed the walking boots - my word these are awful. Couldn’t they at least get sizes to fit the mannequins so they don’t look as terrible?

Just realised what the actual plan is here…

So obvious!

Make every uniform option presented so utterly gopping and gash that people stop asking for new uniform and continue to crack on with we have presently!

The shirts in the first and last picture look fine.

Everything else, no.

Actually, not entirely against the trousers they’re paired with. Better fit needed, but they don’t look terrible.

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Suspect I will have retired well before any of this reaches the ATC though.


Do those rank tabs say ‘RAF logistics’?

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Yup they do

Hmm…Trade listed on rank tab is an interesting concept but a bit over complicated.

Will those in doing Airfield Control have Air Traffic or ATC?

And will Intelligence stay true to form and have no identifiers…?

I guess the Army do it but it’s regiments not trades, Sqn identifiers would make more sense?

But people move around as individuals in the RAF so you would be changing rank slides all the time & surely it is cheaper to have one pattern rather than several.

You could do Velcro patches on the working rig.

Or maybe…a brassard? Wonder how well that would go down with the regulars…

indeed, which is why I don’t get how we ended up with embroidered RAFAC slides when a plain backing slide with RAFAC on it or a pin would have been more cost effective.

The RN is going in the opposite direction and removing trade badges it seems

Pin = FOD apparently.

Because we all spend so much time near aircraft…

RAF Flight Operations?

Ditch blues and wear MTP like everyone else.