Any advice on how to help staff?

Hi all,
I’ve been skimming posts, and came across this thread below:
Covid’s impact on the Volunteer Cadre

As one of the senior cadets on my squadron, I’ve noticed the change in my own squadron staff both on squadron and on larger events - although my cadets are still enjoying their activities, and it’s awesome to see for them, the sparkle in the eyes of the instructors has gone out, and to me, at least, it’s painfully obvious that something needs to be done. WHQ is a shambles when it comes to communication - unfortunately, mine doesn’t seem to be unique in that - and as a cadet, I’ve little to no input on what wing does ( or doesn’t ) do.

I’d be grateful for anything I can do to help - any advice that any OCs on here would ask of their SNCOs to help shift some of the burden so I might be able to help out my own OC.
I’d be willing to take on extra duties or responsibilities for nights or events, but I’m aware that as a cadet, there are limits in place as to what I can realistically do. Is there anything anyone knows that I can do as an SNCO to take any of the pressure off my squadron staff, or to help them enjoy parade nights more, bring back the spirit of the thing?


The fact you can recognise this is a big sign of just how much people are struggling and it’s great you want to step up and help.

My advice would be to ask to sit down with the OC and see what they want.

It might be they want 2 nights a month they don’t want to think about planning so the Cadet NCO team doing something with the Cadets could be a big help.

Best thing you can do is ask, the worst they can say is thanks but no thanks.


There are a lot of the mundane, “general operations” tasks that can be carried out by cadets that wouldn’t be glamourous, but could be a time sink and hassle off your staff’s hands. Examples might be health and safety checks, running canteen (including the float management and accounting), stores management, noticeboard updating, advertising activities and encouraging sign up, even just setting up rooms and IT for lesson prep…

Think of it this way - most volunteers signed up to deliver activities, not check the dates on fire extinguishers.

First though, think about things you can do that aren’t extra, but simply “better”. The smoother things run without staff input (getting to lessons on time, conduct and discipline, cleaning, etc) the easier it is.

Following on from that, one or two sessions per month as @bob1 says that can taken off the hands of staff can have a huge impact. But they need to be well planned, with a reason for existing and an aim to achieve - even the off topic fun times.

While I commend you for wanting to do your bit to help, be careful not to take on too much yourself. Make it a team effort across all NCOs, with each taking their slice of the burden. The stuff that we don’t find fun, you’re even less likely to and too much of it will negatively affect your experience similarly.


Agree…sit down with the OC and ask “what can I do to help”?..most OC’s will be more than happy to pass on some responsibility.

Sure they may be mundane and “boring” but they will be as important as anything else.

Most Sqn Staff want to be out in front of cadets, not stuck behind a desk drowning in admin, so anything you can do to ease the pressure on the Staff will be a good thing.

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Plus, and from your post I’m sure this isn’t why you’re looking to do it, it won’t hurt you at all when it comes to the next promotion round

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