All activities 18-20 of Feb suspended

Its everything

I bet Gibraltar Sqn are chuffed to bits!


Well whoopy do - That’s next week’s plans out of the window for the squadrons in our sector. :expressionless:

Even if this was actually national, the idea that wind on Friday might cause damage, or that the warning might extend, is enough to shut down the entire country for the entire block is a little…

If your roof doesn’t collapse on Friday, and it’s not windy where you are on Saturday, where’s the problem? Whatever happened to the notion of a DRA? Or are CFAV apparently stupid enough to turn up and go “oh, there’s no roof, ah well into the classroom we go. Why is that puddle sparking?”…


I’m sure HQAC will just see this all as ill-informed whinging from those salty about losing VA (we can just rebook though).

There was a balance that could have been struck here which still would have been diligent on their part - issue guidance along the following:

  • Monitor the local weather hourly in the run up to and during your event
  • Any red warnings = full stop
  • Amber warning = Sqn only or outdoor activity
  • yellow warning = no outdoor activity (although still a cautious extreme step - yellow is a bit meh and “outdoor activity” is wide-ranging)

I’d actually understand a stop on off-unit residential for anyone in or travelling to any area currently under a warning or any residential anywhere using prearranged with-driver service transport - you wouldn’t want people stranded by the rules, lack of short notice travel, or travelling long distances considering how dynamic the situation may be.

Spending longer than 30 seconds on it would have developed something a little more meaty.

This advice would still have stopped our plans, but prevented stopping what could have still been perfectly viable activities.

Now time to sit back and watch as the met office downgrades everything before tomorrow morning.


Seems an overreaction given the red warning area.


Someone saw the panic inducing BBC headline but didn’t read the detail.


Cmdt asked “what are we doing about this?” and some civil service minion jumped the shark.

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There’s only about 20 people and Cardiff in that area!

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It’s getting absolutely slated on farcebook.

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Glad people are going at it on Facebook. Hopefully they might realise how utterly rediculous this decision is.

One only has to flip through the shares of the HQAC post on Facebook to see the vast impact this is causing - One poor sqn is cancelling their Dinining in Night with cadets and staff losing thousands in prepaid meals etc.

Junior Leaders who are out in the field is having to find a way of getting all cadets back home this evening to all corners of the country.


If I was them I would be making a LOT of phone calls to anyone and everyone saying “let us do it or pay us”.


I’d be pretending I haven’t checked my emails


I’d be speaking with Solicitors also…

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I totally get the stop on outdoor activities, I wouldn’t want to be in the field or on the moors etc in this, be it with Cadets or experienced adults.

But indoor activities, especially if outside the red forecast area seems a bit of overkill. I hope that the Squadron mentioned above who has had to cancel a dining out last minute has all of their losses reimbursed by HQAC, as I would be pushing them for that if it was my Squadron.

A casual bit of stalking suggests that unit having a dining in night might be in the Ipswich area, making a stop all the more ridiculous.

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Yes. I wouldn’t want to be in those places on a Friday morning between 0700 and 1200 during a red or amber weather warning either. That’s Type 3 fun.

But I would like the opportunity to make a judgement call based on my relevant NGB qualifications and knowledge of local risks for the following 72 hours to see whether or not it’s a goer. They could just as easily be Type 1 fun or - with the right group - we could have some Type 2 fun.

Instead. We have no fun.



This shut down is not in line with other youth orgs, the NYA or even local amenity guidance.

Take HQAC to the small claims court.

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That’s the RAFACs motto since 2020. When Comdt joined.

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