ACPS Cancelled: another kick in the teeth

If this is the only totally hypocritical, ludicrous, most total none sense you have heard this week, I suggest you turn on the news…

I hear you though! Something else that makes little sense.

And bear in mind that Tayside Aviation are continuing instructional flights (presumably on a residential basis?) for instructor cses, etc.

Could always go for individual tents adjacent to the flying school… :wink:

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Wouldn’t it be more equitable for cadets that were due to fly in 2020 took the 2021 slots, subject to still being in the Corps, rather than inviting new applicants?

Depending on Tayside’s capacity? Probably a big drop in other cses, so maybe able to handle extra ACPS based on availability of airframes / instructors?

Wishful thinking.

But also, if cadets delayed a year won’t have time to finish the syllabus maybe it’s better to start fresh, as unfortunate as it is for those already underway?


At least they would be safe from the Germans.


Ah yes, like blues camps at RAF Odiham! Tents at the side of the airfield…

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Better than at the end of the runway at Ramstein during night ops week :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

Sounds similar to when I was at Odi to be honest. At the beginning of the week they were told to get ready to deploy on short notice because of what was going on at the time. This meant the chinooks and JHSS (back when they were based there) were doing training 24/7. Really cool as we got constant shows going on, but chinooks flying over tents very very low all night long for 3 or 4 nights wasn’t great. Was awesome to see them flying around with an ISO container strung underneath doing some impressive manoeuvres though!

Categorically untrue, unles by ‘they’ you mean the Illuminati or someone similarly shadowy.

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Must be someone similarly shadowy, I didn’t get the memo from Illuminati HQ

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By “they” I meant Dawn, so could’ve changed I suppose

I’m going to go with @tmmorris here as CCF AvO .

As am I, but i’d be interested to find out why it would’ve been said in the first place

Low flying military helicopters, you say?

And with that, was someone saying something about ACPS?


Unfortunately anything else I know, I know ‘commercial in confidence’ so I can’t discuss, but there is no plan to cut the hours for ACPS. Hopefully there will be some concrete news on this soon.


That must be why I arrived at Bramley once to find all my portaloos in a similar state.

(not really, it was just windy)

That’s what is happening. The cadets who were selected for 2020 scholarships will be offered courses in 2021 provided they are still members of RAFAC and have not aged out.

That seems a strange distinction - Under what circumstances would someone be declined the wearing of wings after first solo ?

Maybe if they did it with Bodge-it and Hope Flying School? Or if Daddy was the CFI who authorised it on a small number of hours? I don’t know why they have this distinction when there doesn’t seem to be a published policy to back it up.