ACC Foodies - What are you Eating and Drinking?

I could be adventurous in choices


So… curry when?

Ill have to check with chief diary manager

Also link me to menu?

Other curry houses are also available…

Na Na Naaa, the only curry house that matters is the one you’d be willing to sell limbs to eat at :grin:


I will genuinely sob if and when I get posted away.

I’m still upset that I had to miss their 25yr anniversary that we were invited to go to a rehab course.

Owners son was also in the NICU that our boy was in.

There’s a mural of donors to the ward and it turns out that the owner and restaurant donated several thousand pounds to the ward.

So we liked them even more after that. :joy:


Sounds like the sort of owners who doesn’t just make a staff donation, but I have seen it done is to hold a couple of functions for the staff as donations in some hospital managements eyes belong to the hospital not the individual unit.


We’re back into soup season! Soup of the day today is parsnip and blue cheese, with some bay roasted cashews :grin:


Soup - bad
Parsnip - bad.
Other than that it looks good


You havent tried Mrs Tornado’s honey roasted parsnips…

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Must admit I enjoyed having this for breakfast this morning


Slow roasted shoulder of pork - marinaded over night in maple syrup; apple cider vinegar, cumin, smoked paprika and chilli

Served with anya potatoes roasted in chicken and bacon fat; celeriac dauphiois; (keto) cauliflower cheese (roast the cauli to part cook it, instead of boiling or steaming - then cheese sauce is made of one part double cream, one part cream and two parts grated extra mature cheddar, and some English Mustard powder)
Carrots & broccoli.

Gravy made from the left over juices from the slow roasted pork, deglazed with half a bitte of red wine… then blitzed so my vegan(ish) wife didn’t stumble on any bits of pork that dropped off while colleomg, reduced to thicken up - the gravy that is, not my wife.

Now trying to move my lard ■■■■ to go wash the van!


I’m still doing lots of soups!

Tomato and chorizo soup with some cheesy choizo melty dippers!


Now that looks and sounds tasty.

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Someones been watching SusiVidal on Insta

Nope, I use the Sorted Food app for all my stuff! Highly recommended their app for normal day to day cooking :slight_smile:

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Sounds excellent…recipe?

Super simple. Roast a load of beef tomatoes cut up, along with some garlic, chillies and diced onion. All covered in oil/salt/pepper. Roast until bits start to char.

Whilst it’s roasting, fry off some sliced up chorizo until it’s crisp and let out the oils. Take the chorizo out and use it to effectively make grilled cheese sandwich with the chorizo in the middle. Fry it in the same pan, so the bread absorbs some of the oil. But save some of the oil for the soup.

Then add all the roasted bits to a big pan, and the left over chorizo oil and blend it all up! I also add some double cream and butter at this stage too to make it richer. Then just add salt/pepper to taste.

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