AAAAAAAHHHHH! What is the latest version number for AP1358c PLEASE! (and have you got a copy)

2b Short Sleeved routine working dress has nothing about jumpers at all - so it makes sense Im afraid

[quote=“Baldrick” post=19126]Just use the one in the 4th post above. That’s a direct link to Ultilearn

I have said this before elsehwere. It’s on Ulitlearn for a reason. That way we can ALL, (and yes I mean ALL.) access it from one place. Staff and CADETS.
Ulitlearn is used so that cadets can access the dress regs, they have to abide by them so they should all have access to them, If the cadets know exaxtly what their rights and responsibilities are we will have less little dress reg empires to deal with…[/quote]
Putting it on Ultilearn is the biggest problem. I’ve used and use some poor software but this is on a different level.
I gave my cadet SNCOs Ultiearn access and one of them went on there once of their own volition. They asked me if they could have a username other than really easy to remember 12 digit nonsense. If anyone knows if I can make these user friendly I’m all ears.
I can’t even get staff to use it. I use it as little as possible because it’s so poor, what is on there is poor and a nightmare to access.
I don’t use my employee number to logon at work, so why do I need to for this heap of dung?

2B may be worn with or without jersey - it is stated clearly and in detail (ie, it is not a typo)

2B may be worn with or without jersey - it is stated clearly and in detail (ie, it is not a typo)[/quote]

I think the other sections have been updated to say when wearing a jumper a long sleeve shirt and tie must be worn… it follows the AL18 of 1358. I will fire off the email now to ask for appropriate amendment.

[quote=“wokkaman” post=19451] I will fire off the email now to ask for appropriate amendment.[/quote]Or you could be a good guy, leave it well alone and delay the implementation of a stupid rule throughout the ACO.

What will happen is that people will wear a short-sleeved shirt with a tie when they put on a jumper so they can easily take the jumper off when it warms up and a more comfortable order of dress is sensible.

It does say a number of times that a tie is never worn with the short sleeved shirt, so I think that you’re safe to wear one tieless under the jersey - and it specifically states how to wear it under the jersey too.

I notice that female RAFVR(T) officers still aren’t allowed to wear greatcoats if following the letter of the regs!

[quote=“MattB” post=19458]It does say a number of times that a tie is never worn with the short sleeved shirt, so I think that you’re safe to wear one tieless under the jersey - and it specifically states how to wear it under the jersey too.

I notice that female RAFVR(T) officers still aren’t allowed to wear greatcoats if following the letter of the regs![/quote]

it also says a number of times that long sleeve shirt with tie is to be worn with Jumper!

If you are suggesting that statement to mean that “only” long-sleeved shirts with tie are to be worn when a jersey is worn then we need to be having some lessons in formal logic.

Sorry wokkaman, I’ve got to disagree…
I’ve got AP1358 AL18 here now. Here are some screen captures:





It seems that it’s only our regs which have returned to expecting us to always wear a tie with No 2(Full).

Very strange, on the intranet it shows as I stated, I will check with the guys at Imijin and come back with an answer

If you’ve got access to an updated version I’d be super grateful for a copy! :slight_smile:
The one I’ve got says AL18 and there are definitely some updates in red from the last version, but they don’t appear to have bothered to change the footer on the pages since about AL14 (or something like that) so who the hell knows whether it’s a pieced-together document.

It appears that insanity has prevailed:

Page 38, note 4:

“4. A Jersey is not to be worn as part of No.2B SD.”

Can someone summarise please?


“Wibble. The writer of this publication wears underpants on his head and lives in a small village just outside of the planet, Mars” [with apologies to Capt Edmund Blackadder Esq].

Soooo, can we wear jumper without tie or not? I’m confuzzled

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No 2 now must be worn with a tie, and No 2B may no longer be worn with a jersey - so you can’t wear a jumper without a tie (or with a short-sleeved shirt at all).

[quote=“MattB” post=19589]No.

No 2 now must be worn with a tie, and No 2B may no longer be worn with a jersey - so you can’t wear a jumper without a tie (or with a short-sleeved shirt at all).[/quote]

Ok, but surely people will only know you’re wearing a short sleeved shirt if you break the 11th commandment? (Thou shalt not get caught.)

This does seem a little pedantic, I’d love to know the rationale behind it.

What a stupid reversion. Just a the uniform got more practical. Is it just 1358C or has 1358 gone the same way?

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1358 on the Defence Intranet:

a. No 2 (Full) Service Working Dress Uniform (No 2 SD). No 2 SD is jersey and long sleeve shirt mode with tie.

Has to be worn with a tie.

[quote=“redowling” post=19592]1358 on the Defence Intranet:

a. No 2 (Full) Service Working Dress Uniform (No 2 SD). No 2 SD is jersey and long sleeve shirt mode with tie.

Has to be worn with a tie.[/quote]

That’s not new, the question is can you wear 2B with jumper under 1358?