AAAAAAAHHHHH! What is the latest version number for AP1358c PLEASE! (and have you got a copy)

Losing the will to live on BADER and ULTILEARN. Can someone PLEASE tell me what the latest version number is (eg v1.04) and can someone PLEASE give me a link to it on BADER or ULTILEARN…

Thanks. :ohmy:

Version 1.04 as I write this, which can be found here:

(Modified December)

Many thanks! and breath…

The link to the latest version on SharePoint (if that is any good) is here: and it is v1.04 issued 05/12/2013.

Aye, that’s the correct one.

oh no the one in the library is out of date - if someone has it can you upload it please?



And on Ultilearn:

The sharepoint one actually links to the ultilearn one, which is publicly accessible, so not much point hosting on ACC really!

The latest version of AP1358C is now in the library :slight_smile:



There is a new one due out any day now…

Now 1.05

Anything of major importance changed?

You need to wear ties in No2(full) service dress.

  • some minor nonsense about henna tattoos.

Does anyone have a link to it?!2809&authkey=!AIgT34o7LV4U7WQ&ithint=file%2C.pdf

The tattoo update reminds that they shouldn’t be visible on ‘formal ceremonial parades’ but are okay to be visible on normal duties.
Clearly where it used to say “not to be visible when on parade” must have confused people. No doubt that old “Parade Night” is a parade rubbish.

Bloody hell, you’re right. That’s utter madness!
We’ve suddenly taken a step back several years to the old situation where you can wear a short sleeved shirt under a jersey without a tie and collar out; but if it’s a long sleeved shirt under a jersey (as if anyone can tell) then you must wear a tie.

God knows why this has been brought back!? Especially when the latest AP1358 (AL18) allows both modes, with and without a tie.

Can any of our serving friends say whether the RAF has suddenly changed policy from what’s in AP1358?

[quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=19121]The tattoo update reminds that they shouldn’t be visible on ‘formal ceremonial parades’ but are okay to be visible on normal duties.
Clearly where it used to say “not to be visible when on parade” must have confused people. No doubt that old “Parade Night” is a parade rubbish.

Bloody hell, you’re right. That’s utter madness!
We’ve suddenly taken a step back several years to the old situation where you can wear a short sleeved shirt under a jersey without a tie and collar out; but if it’s a long sleeved shirt under a jersey (as if anyone can tell) then you must wear a tie.

God knows why this has been brought back!? Especially when the latest AP1358 (AL18) allows both modes, with and without a tie.

Can any of our serving friends say whether the RAF has suddenly changed policy from what’s in AP1358?[/quote]

Don’t worry it will change back again when we use the round necks. I’m sure the only reason we end up changing so often is that the CAS (or possible CASWO) have different jumpers and change the regs to suit their preference (normally the jumper style they first started with!)

Just use the one in the 4th post above. That’s a direct link to Ultilearn

I have said this before elsehwere. It’s on Ulitlearn for a reason. That way we can ALL, (and yes I mean ALL.) access it from one place. Staff and CADETS.
Ulitlearn is used so that cadets can access the dress regs, they have to abide by them so they should all have access to them, If the cadets know exaxtly what their rights and responsibilities are we will have less little dress reg empires to deal with.

The practice of copying it and hiding it away on websites, sharepoint and on computers just means that those copies don’t get updated often enough. and confusion ensues with people reading different editions. If we all just used the same link we’d not have that problem, because that is the most up to date version updated by FS Moss.

Rant over.

1.05 just came out on sharepoint, most annoying amendment is that staff MUST have a tie whilst in jumpers

Only if you’re wearing a long sleeved shirt.
You can wear a short sleeved shirt under your jersey, in which case you MUST NOT wear a tie.

We’ve gone back the same old ridiculous situation we were in a few years ago.