2024 Activity Changes

Although traditionally RAFAC change seems to have been reactive. Here it does seem like they are trying to get ahead of the curve. Maybe I’m just in a really good mood today, but I’m trying to be optimistic here.

I’m in no doubt that some activities will end up being cut.

But if we can rebuild the core elements as a result then it may well be worth it.


Like parachuting for example? :joy::joy::joy:


Yeah. That’s never going to be in the current commandant’s risk appetite

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There is always the possibility that risk appetite changes post this review programme.

It’s possible that through 2024, enough is rationalised, resources freed, processes reviewed, etc that higher risk activities are viewed differently through confidence in control and audit measures.

Possible. Would need to see it.

I don’t have an issue with a pause or reduction on the national stuff, as long as we don’t see a reduction in sqn and wing output as a result, and preferably get (at least a temporary) uptick in output at these lower levels.


The decision to stop, reasses, and redesign is an intelligent one, and absolutely needs to happen.

It absolutely could work, and it could be a disaster. 50/50.

Unfortunately, I’ve yet to see the ATC face a 50/50 challenge, and not fervently grip the poo-smeared end of the stick.

I’m genuinely hopeful that this process could strip out a load of the crap and allow us to concentrate on the fun stuff, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t put any actual money on it, or invest any emotional capital in hoping that happens.


Will this pause on ‘national stuff’ include ACPS, do you think?

Has JLs and QAIC been paused? there will be your answer.

Why wouldn’t he be, he has at least another three years

The captain of the Titanic thought he had at least 3 years in post as well.


Well, they’re both currently running for 23/24, the proof will be in the 24/25 pudding, in the next financial year.

3yrs? Isnt it a 4yr gig?

My takeaway was that it is still a focus on Big Ticket items that look great on Social Media but only benefit <1% of cadets

What I want to see is how I can deliver more of the fun stuff that most cadets really want to do, easily and locally - as well as safely etc. Recognise the days of only having to bring back 90% of the cadets from an activity are over.

They need to remember that 85% of the cadets are not budding engineers etc and that STEM and Tech camps are not what they joined for. They have school, this is what they do to have fun with their mates and hopefully we can teach them a few useful life skills along the way


Off topic nit-pick: In future they need to position the script somewhere else, because it felt like he was staring at my nipples.

It’s an interesting juxtaposition to begin by celebrating all the great things we’ve done this year and then go on to say “but there’ll be less of that next year”.

I can’t shake the feeling though that this talk of “our motto is Venture Adventure, but we have to ensure those adventures are safe” (I don’t disagree with the principle) are a continuation of the mess that was RIAT 2022 and the subsequent HIT debacle - i.e. national screw ups and bed-fouling negatively impacting lower level volunteers and activities through clamp downs.

Of course, we don’t have the full details of accident stats broken down by event-type. Anecdotally, I haven’t seen any issues intrinsic to the way things have operated provided they weren’t off-script. It’s only at these big events that I hear of or see major problems.


I strongly suspect the commandant is someone who has had to learn how to present, rather than someone for whom it comes naturally.


Sqn based activity only.
No risk if we only do cyber and space from our huts…


In the true spirit of “looking on the bright side”, when are expecting the next update?

Depends on the stuff…

If its road marching or classifications nope.

If its full bore shooting, flying and FT, yes.

But each to their own.

… he was.

This is ol tone remember.

I dunno, I bet my cadets could build a pretty gnarly rocket :grin:

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You h en’t seen the state of our building. Manhole cover split in half guarded by a traffic cone. RFCA seem ok with it though.

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