Indoor Air Rifle range details

With the eventual demise of the No 8 .22" rifle (sob!), there may be some sqns who are interested in setting up an indoor air rifle range. I have previously sent out these details to contacts I made on the 2 RCO courses I attended, but it may be useful to share them to a wider audience.

(If needed, please provide contact details via PM; I will email information to any “formal” sqn email address.)

Firstly, you need to send submit an application that can be found at ACTO41 Annex A (Sign in to your account), together with a simple diagram of your proposed range location (with all necessary dimensions) to TG6 at HQAC. I can provide our basic diagram to see how your hall compares - but to give an idea of sizes, it is 8.5m wide by 9.05m long.

He will assess the dimensions/safety angles & then if it looks OK, he will need to visit your location to carry out a physical assessment. Note that the firing plinths are 2.0m long, so with 5.5m distance in front, you will need a minimum of about 8m to allow a bit of space to move behind the plinths whilst firing is in progress. If you think you might be able to shoot from 10m, then at least 12.5m would be required.

On Bader, there is an order form for the relevant shooting items direct from BSA (search for BSA if you want to find it easily!) - this seems to be the most in-date one there - Sign in to your account & it shows you the overall costs for the rifles, etc. For 3 rifles + appropriate kit (pump, bags, some pellets, etc), you are looking at about £1200. For 2 rifles + kit, it is approximately £850. Allow at least £200 for ancilliary equipment such as shooting mats, spotting scopes, etc – or get what you can from Service sources!

You will need to plan ahead for setting up a demand (completed F7109, RAF Supply Demand Proforma) for the relevant targets with Supply (Stock Control, or whatever it is known as locally) at your Parent Unit; TG6 will provide enough targets to get you on your way.

Namely: 5.5 Metre (5 Bull) Sect/Ref No 6920-99-428-0582, DofQ = Each, suggested Qty is 500 to avoid repetitive demands & associated collection issues - but if none are currently in stock, this number will be their “hold” status in stock for the future. State no alternative. For 10m targets, I think it is = Sect/Ref No 6920-99-931-7245 (the NSN matches that in PAM20).

I can also send a briefing document that went to our CivComm in order to seek approval to pay for the items from our funds.

We also applied through the RAF Charitable Trust but as it had to be resubmitted (long story!), we are still waiting to hear if we have been successful. Note that any such application is by e-copy only (contrary to how it seems to appear in the application form), NOT a hard copy scanned & sent on. Details/forms from here – – but note that there is one such application on Bader Sharepoint (under Documents - Sign in to your account)

Depending on number of lanes (& if you can shoot prone, kneeling or standing = different dimensions for the backing board), you will need to budget for making the firing plinths + backing board + the pellet catchers (they are £14 each, separate cheque to TG6). You can claim back (£250??) from HQAC but only towards the construction costs.

I can provide the construction aspects so you get an idea of materials, etc. If you are 100% confident of getting approval, then you might want to look at building the plinths in advance (use thicker plywood than specified for the tops!), but only because they will take some time. The “folding” design takes up much less space.

The starting point is TG6 - worth giving him a call to see how things stand.

Logistically, you need to have an RCO who is SR-qualified – there are active moves to have an “air rifle only” RCO course (one weekend only instead of the 2 weekends for the full SR course). Such courses have already been trialled. Otherwise, plan ahead & nominate for your SATT’s next SR RCO course for 2014! :wink:

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Our range has been running for 18 months. I believe it has been successfully by the squadron cadets and cadets from other units locally. we have achieved 49 squadron, 73 wing, 51 region, and 6 corps awards, these include re-qualification within the squadron.

All good stuff - yes, we have also managed a good collection of marksman awards. It’s also good for continuity & consistent coaching of individual cadets.

The range is quick to set up/take down & depending on your sqn building, not necessarily limiting on concurrent classroom activities.

Looking at the possibility of purchasing some Air Rifles & setting up an Indoor Air Rifle Range at the squadron, so that we can facilitate our cadets to achieve the new Blue series of badges that will be for Air Rifle.

I also believe that (despite never using an air rifle other than as a Cub Scout) squadrons who do start with the Air Rifle have cadets that shoot to a higher standard. As the Marksmanship Principles can be taught and applied readily & easily with a squadron range.

My only concern is that our hall, which is the only space potentially big enough has all of our classrooms connecting off it which might put the brakes on this straight away.

@MikeJenvey PM inbound, hoping you still have the documents :slight_smile:

Yeah, baby! I think we were highest in Wg in 2015. :wink:

Should have everything at home.

If any of your classrooms have fire doors, that should work out; one of ours is like that.

Apologies in advance if this is answered already by previous posts, but I just want to be absolutely sure before moving on to other things.

My question is, can any room that meets the requirements be used for more than purpose.

Eg. Drill hall or large class room, also used as a short range for air rifles (not at the same time obviously).

This is normally how I see them deployed.

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Yes, drill hall in our case. However, this locks out our computer room / flight sim set-up when the range is in use.

Is that because they’re rooms off the drill hall or is there some other H&S rule I’m missing?

I didn’t mean for that comment to sound dismissive of h&s, I’m just very aware of my limited experience dealing with those issues.

They will be “down-range”, forward of the firing point so they will be unavailable while the range is in use.

Correct - the only door for the computer room opens into the main hall. However, another “down-range” classroom is acceptable to use as there are alternative exits; the only proviso is that the inter-connecting door to the main hall / range has to be locked, with the keys on the range side.

Thank you all for your advice.

My squadron will be moving into another building this year, and I’ll be assigned to get the squadron shooting up and running.

Could I get those details of the construction aspects. As I know the layout of the building and have been reliably informed that authorisation won’t be a problem, I’d be eager to get started on that side of things.

Not quite as simple - will you have the space for a 5.5m or 10m range? Will you be able to shoot 2P & 3P, or, just 2P. Fixed tgt holder screen or moveable? Fixed shooting platforms (no storage space issues), or, foldable ones.

I can send you some old details; if you PM me a suitable email address.