For me personally air rifle is a headache because:
1 - As mentioned Staff will have to retrain
2 – we have no facilities on a Wing scale – nor any support. If you go for air rifle its off your own back, making the same mistakes as everyone else.
3 – at a Squadron scale 1 unit in our sector actively uses its range, and uses it enough to cope with its own demands.
4 – at Sqn we’re waiting for a new build to complete which in HQACs wisdom is the “approved” design for joint forces buildings. Fine I don’t have a problem with that, however the new build format has a hall not long enough to accommodate air rifle.
A frustration as our previous building (Spooner hut) could accommodate the range
5 – air rifle is at Squadron cost. the weapons, the maintenance, the ammo, the targets. Ok I admit this is a tiny running cost once set up (what is it? ~£1000 for a few rifles and the wood for the range?) paying for the lead and cardboard, but it is an expense which is not present for service rifle shooting
6 – we’re entitled to X number of 0.22” and 5.56mm rounds per Cadet per year, why should we be encouraged to not use them?
7 – we train and fire the No8 and L98A2 at our local parent unit, it is often the first chance the Cadets visit an RAF Station and see for themselves “behind the wire”. They appreciate the handling of weapons, dealing with the armourers. We train in the Regt building, which as you might imagine has interesting posters and displays and other training material they wouldn’t get to see.
8 – as a military sponsored youth organisation of which one of its aims is to “…teach skills useful in service life…” the difference between our shooting and any other youth group is we’re NOT using air rifle.
Don’t get me wrong I am not against Air rifle, I attended a day’s “familiarisation” hosted by a unit primarily using air rifle and was encouraged by the idea. It is straightforward, simple and much more flexible than service rifle shooting.
However we are not the Scouts/ we have a military background and sponsor and believe that has to come with some advantages to differentiate between us and “them”….else just the Scouts that pretend to be soldiers when we’re not going gliding (oh wait), given our AT is the same, DofE nationally offered and and fire the same rifles…