You know what really makes me laugh?

Someone needs to rock up at that event and pull them up for failing to comply with there own risk assessment.

We have this mindset of must have control in place, regardless of how stupid it is.


That’s because people ‘just put stuff in because I think it will get approved’ rather than actually thinking about it.

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And here’s me, previously knocked back for writing “should” instead of “must”…

The organisation has created such a massive bureaucracy around event authorisation and risk assessments specifically that the people writing the darn things are so anxious that they over analyse and throw everything in they can possibly think of for fear of rejection - which leads to what you’ve described as at that point your inventing and not assessing.

Granted, some people still don’t do it properly (telekinetic football is my new favourite sport),but the atmosphere fostered by some of those rejecting risk assessments over inconsequential matters are partially to blame for the general hatred of HSEP.

We’ve forgotten that such a thing as “dynamic risk assessment” exists for the minutiae and extraordinary. I joked about a unit gaining a particularly tall cadet and having to redo their B+S RA, but I’m sure some would enact or even require it. It couldn’t possibly just go:

“you know you’re tall, you know when to duck going through doors, right?”
“you know what a doorway is though, right?”
Ever banged your head on a doorway that you didn’t see?"
“not since I was only 6’3”."
“marvellous. Mavis, put the hazard tape away - he knows what a door looks like!”

Hopefully if these new matrix RAs are coming in we might get some direction - low risk low severity before control measures = not required. Or similar.

Wait, what makes me laugh… Erm… Let’s stick with the idea of telekinetic football!

been there and done that

at a walking event the invitation came through with RA, seemly proud that they had pre-empted our request the following was a “control measure”

Each team/individual should carry a mobile telephone. SATNAVs should be carried if available. A tracking app may be put onto mobile phones

a valid potential control measure but it was pointless having it on a an RA. this wasn’t checked by the organisers either prior to the event or on the day - goodness knows who wrote it and their understanding of “control measures”

Hopefully the new form will address some of this, and put us back to actually assessing risk.

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In a virtual Corporate BS strategy meeting. One of the Director presents a “future vision” involving “The Climb” of a mountain. Apparently we’re currently on “the slope”. Ahead lies crag. A crest. A false horizon. And the Summit. Sometimes we might plateau. And some people might be left behind.

I immediately dropped in the chat box to ask whether we’re planning to stay on the summit, or whether he has a plan for descent as well - as that’s the most dangerous bit when the most fatalities occur.

I spotted the moment he read the comment as he put his angry face on. I also saw my Boss shaking his head (and smirking!)

However, my chat box and phone went crazy with WhatsApp messages calling me a hero! :slight_smile:


I’ve now had an email from the Director suggesting there’s a time and a place for such comments.


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Perhaps you didn’t understand their analogy and you thought that the team really were climbing a mountain. You were just offering your SME guidance :joy:


Maybe if he didn’t use such corporate BS you wouldn’t feel the need to respond like that.


Execs and higher management don’t realise how much they turn people off whatever it is they’re talking about when they play cliché bingo or go what I now refer to as “full Van Tam”.



I reminded myself of this:

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So tempted to send this to my stepmother. But she wouldn’t see the problem.

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Try and track down episodes of Charlie Brooker’s Daily Mail Island.

Inspired comedy.

So I consider myself to be tech savy enough not to fall for the scam delivery texts… Royal Mail/DPD etc… so today upon receiving a text from FedEx forwarded straight to SPAM (7726) as I was sure I wasn’t expecting anything (and no corresponding email)

Course 1hr later i have a light bulb moment and realise i do in-fact have a delivery, from the CAA no doubt - my updated flying license due tomorrow - oops, sorry FedEx :sweat_smile:


Urgh. Last time the CAA sent me something by FedEx, it took me about a week to manage to get hold of it.
I wish they’d just put a first-class stamp on…

It’s now an offence to use a stove or even a lighter in the Peak District. Actually making me laugh or I might cry at how ridiculous this order is.

I understand the need for it, but it’s way too generic. If I have a lighter on me then the police can confiscate it. If I use a stove ("ANy article or object which causes a naked flame) then I’m committing an offence…

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Just opt out of the £15 surcharge no? Then its sent via snail mail

This involved my logbook hence why I didnt opt out.

Having seen the mess chumps with no respect / forethought have created around here I entirely agree with the order personally!

What about for dofe?