You know what really makes me laugh?

Watching my colleague re-filling the TACR Firefighting vehicle with water ad Foam Protein and an air bubble kicks back and we have the Lake Geneva fountain on the top of the truck. He gets very wet and, well, have you ever smelt firefighting foam in it’s rawest value. Nice.

So the French President has a mistress, so what. I thought it was expected in France.
As for his current wife getting upset, she was his mistress at one point, when he was hitched before. What goes around comes around.

Watching weather forecasts where they convert metric rainfall predictions to imperial.

Similarly, why do weather forecasts predict cold temperatures in Celsius and hot temperatures in Fahrenheit?

Similarly, why do weather forecasts predict cold temperatures in Celsius and hot temperatures in Fahrenheit?[/quote]

Good point. It really grips my s**t when they do that.
Perhaps we should use 12 hour clock during the day and then when it gets dark start using the 24hr clock system. Not the same I know, but might be a giggle.

All of the fuss over Passports. IMO if you were going on holiday and need of a passport then you would check it and or get a new one and have it in your mitts 6 months before you go or planned to go, not as it seems think OMG I go on holiday in x weeks I’d better get a passport.

Similarly, why do weather forecasts predict cold temperatures in Celsius and hot temperatures in Fahrenheit?[/quote]

Good point. It really grips my s**t when they do that.
Perhaps we should use 12 hour clock during the day and then when it gets dark start using the 24hr clock system. Not the same I know, but might be a giggle.[/quote]

I imagine its to do with selling newspapers or attitudes, it makes people think its hotter, or colder, makes it seem more impressive. The great unwashed couldnt give a toss about the temperature, or even know that water boils at 100°C (except up Mt Everest :wink: )but they know its hot “cos the papers put a big number on the front page”.

Yes! I’m off on my travels in two weeks, I put my new passport application in back in January, and had a shiny new passport back within 7 days (including the weekend)

Getting an email from someone, addressed to the entire wing, with read alerts turned on.

That’s going to be fun, surely?

Several OCs replying all to an email from someone from HQAC today. It’s quite funny that they’re complaining they don’t have time to search sharepoint for something, yet are taking time during the day to send lengthy emails complaining about not having time.

The massive cheer that erupted in the staff room today at school when they discovered that Gove has been moved on.

And so close to the last day of term too!

I haven’t seen that many teachers happy in a very long time (at least 4 years in fact!!!).It’s like all their Christmas’ have come at once!

Alas, his replacement seems to be a nut.


“Like rain on your Wedding Day”

Ahhh… reminds me another thing that makes me laugh…


If it’s anything like the moans I’ve heard from teachers, they didn’t like him because he advocated them doing that odd thing called teaching and kids actually having to do exams all in one go rather than a series of bits or doing umpteen bits of work to get qualifications which meant they might have to teach and pass information. Bizarre concept in this era of something for nothing. Something else they didn’t seem to like was having to be fully aware of who is in their lesson and control a class and not send the disruptive ones to be someone else’s problem.

I am of the class of 79 and 81, when we did proper exams.

I remember one of my old teachers moaning about how crap GCSEs were and how he wanted to go back to real exams.
It will be interesting to see the grades in a few weeks as I believe kids this year sat proper exams.

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Amusing yes, but you have to admit they have a point in the emails. I particularly like this

[quote]In the private sector putting a package together without regard to the customers requirements leads only to commercial failure.

I must say if Bader was not the only option I could not see it lasting long term. There are many better packages that would be available off the shelf. I have decades of IT experience and I find it difficult to navigate. Simply providing a link to squadron commanders is very helpful as not only is my time limited it is better sober with staff and cadets, rather than stuck behind a desk on a laptop.

I thought that was you…

You know GHE2 you do amount some boll…: rubbish.

But hey let’s turn the clock back 50 years, issue everyone with a slide rule and abacus and everything will be alright.

[quote=“Perry Mason” post=19739]You know GHE2 you do amount some boll…: rubbish.

But hey let’s turn the clock back 50 years, issue everyone with a slide rule and abacus and everything will be alright.[/quote]

Nothing wrong with slide rules, you just have to think as you’re doing your mathematics.