You know what really makes me laugh?

Not gonna lie, if the wife goes to stay at her mums for a weekend this is a definite option for my free time.


Let me know and I’ll be there.
If Lord of the Rings is off the cards then a real-time viewing of 24 seasons 1-3 can be done

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@daws1159 @Farmerdan

Give me a shout.

ACC fest!

Extended editions right?


Can i come please…ill bring Moretti


I could do with a week away from chief fun sponge

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Does anyone else on here do Wordle…?

Just had a chuckle at today’s…

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I nearly didn’t get it. Was kicking myself when I finally did.

Yup! I had the last letter correct and three others in the wrong order - and still took ages to work it out!

Still managed it in four though!

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The latest LASER send all having a go about cadets being involved in car parking and reminding everyone we can’t do it. Followed by a “get back in your box Mitch” email from the Surrey Wing Commander.
I’m going to miss this when they process my paperwork and remove my access to the systems

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I stepped down from my posts within LaSER 2 years ago . . . I still hold both posts, don’t hold your breath :rofl:

This seemed apt! :joy:

Sorting out the various tags and straps on my walking bag - it’s just made me chuckle that the RAFAC pull strap says Remove Before Flight - as if a pertinent reminder that cadets should be prevented from flying at all costs

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Following a chat in the pub this still cracks me up, especially the final line of “we’re friends now”

It’s not an ACC Fest if it doesn’t end up in a gentleman’s club in Newcastle.

Just sayin’.

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2 nights in a row with certain ladies knowing you and I by name.

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Sampling the delights of the North. :rofl:

So after a previous stint haunting the forum as a ghost, what has resurrected you for this return?

Having thought about the title of this thread, I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s not a lot to laugh about anymore (within RAFAC at least). The one thing that does make me chuckle is reading how other ACC’ers go through life…

So thanks all for keeping me sane!