You know what really makes me laugh?

Where do you all get these memes from :rofl:



The future is weird.


People claim it’s not grim up North.

The North/South divide illustrated by Waitrose.

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Isn’t north Waitrose basically Booths?


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Classic example of the Tees/Exe line I learned in geography in the early 1980s. RHS Rich toffs, LHS poor peasants who should know their place and doff their cap. Well it was the 1980s


It’s weird that tomorrow is Christmas Eve Eve. So close to such delightful scenes on Monday morning.

The wife just took the recycling out and as she walked to the side of the house half of it blew away, god I love having a ring camera :rofl:

Good to see i havent broke the law this week

Just got an email notification from WhatDoTheyKnow that someone has just submitted an FOI…

ITS CHRISTMAS DAY! Who the hell is submitting FOIs…


Did it start “We confirm receipt of your submission on WhatDoTheyKnow.”?

Not this time at least…

It’s someone asking for a copy of the regional RAGs.

Mrs BF took it in good humour. And, as is tradition, gave as good as she got - giving me a bottle of Fairy Liquid (actual Fairy - not the knock off stuff!) AND some new scouring pads for washing up.


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I think ive accidently become a hipster. I now own a beard exfoliator, shampoo, conditioner, oil, balm and comb

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This is what happens when you relax the rules on beards…


I love championing it aswell #OutWithTheOldSchoolRules

Reading this makes me realise why you’re not marrying her. She’s just another beard.

I can just hear the chanting . . .

One of us. One of us.