You know what really makes me laugh?

Ah, but hopefully they left all the free measurring up details. :+1:

Ikea carcasses and John Lewis doors.

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Oh yes!

We already have IKEA Pax in the dressing room, hadn’t considered mixing and matching though!



She has a walk in wardrobe…apparently its a necessity…i have one stand alone wardrobe in my office



Its the attic to be fair

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We have my clothes rail from
My undergrad flat share but that is more down to laziness and poor DIY skills than anything

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Getting very jeallus of child free couples right now.
Amazing what can be done without ankle bitters around.

Damn it.

Hang in there, they usually leave by their 20s.

If they don’t, change the locks when they are out.

We took ours sofa shopping today. He’s 16 months. Treated DFS like bloody soft play!

I have to say, he did make it a lot more fun.

Another one on the way too. 12 weeks gone we learnt today… :grimacing:


Better option at 18 tell them you’re all off to Paris for the week, as you go past the Foreign Legion recruiting office, a hearty push and shout of see you in 5 years.


I was thinking about the RN for mine. Ideally submarines, the silent service would be a relief!

Wow, congrats!

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I think…?

Good job :+1::+1:

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16 months and another one enroute…rabbit. that is all


Here it ends.

I think you’re failing to factor in the rogue entity here… Newly, your missus.

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If no.2 is out and healthy, I can take matters into my own hands…


Agreed. I’m still on the fence after my lads birth.