You know what really makes me laugh?

Probably preferred to think he was a Murderer than a Model building nerd. :rofl:

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He wanted to keep said girlfriend obviously

I’m so tempted to get one of these for the cadet Christmas party.

If I was going to any cadet Xmas events this year then I’d have to be sporting this.





I’m at the in-laws. For me the best bit is the two sheepdogs.


Can you cook two sheepdogs at the same time, or do you have to do one after the other? Which sauce went well - I’d imagine Mint Sauce?

Ours doesn’t fit in the oven, so we’d need to cook them separately… Maybe BBQ and the oven?

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From a report in yesterday’s Telegraph that one set of health experts it appears had been over-egging the case for restrictions being imposed in England. Just hope the PM sticks to his guns this time round and doesn’t give into their nagging ear worm. We’re all big and ugly enough to decide what to do for ourselves. I can’t think of many who aren’t of the opinion time to get on with things and live with it.

My energy supplier underestimating my threshold for switching on the heating…

I think your monthly gas bill is less than the cost to run my computer + monitors per day :joy: :joy:


are you mining bitcoins?!

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Not regularly :eyes: :eyes:

But my computer uses anywhere from 100-700W depending on what I’m doing. Plus 4 monitors that I would guess are about 50W each. Adds up pretty quickly :stuck_out_tongue:

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how many GPUs have you got? :stuck_out_tongue:

4 monitors?! :astonished: Pretty sure my laptop couldn’t cope with that!

I have a portable second monitor for my laptop too, so if I get that out then I’m up to 6! :rofl:

4 is super useful though. I have a 3x1 setup with the 4th above centre. The top one always has monitoring type stuff on it. Task manager/HWInfo etc.

If I’m not busy (ala now) then centre will be Youtube/Netflix/a game etc, left is chrome (there’s a reason I see notifications so quickly :wink: ) and then right is Teams/Discord/spotify etc.

If I’m actually doing something then it’s actually a lot more productive. For example if I’m doing design work I can have centre on Fusion 360/Solidworks (or similar) then left and right monitors can have live drawings on, or reference material, or emails open for reference. It’s wonderful! Just dropping down to two monitors when I’m in (at?) work is a PITA. :smiley:

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Just saw you mention Fusion 360
I’m to learn how to use it since I got a 3D printer from Santa, any recommendations?

I have ordered a book on 3D printing using fusion360 from Amazon

Autodesk made a whole self-paced learning thing here. I’ve not personally used any of it, but it looks good. There is also a ton of resources on YouTube from various people.

I was lucky enough that I did CAD work for GCSEs and A-Levels so have not really had to do much in the way of self-learning from the ground up. I just had to convert from Solidworks to Fusion for CAD. Then a bit of self teach for CAM.

There is also the Autodesk forums for when you get stuck which saves me on a fairly regular basis at work! If you can’t work something out, have a search on there and there is normally an answer. :slight_smile:

And in case you didn’t already know, remember that F360 is free for hobbyists! So hopefully you’ve not paid of a licence. Albeit the full license is relatively cheap compared to the competing products.