You know what really makes me laugh?

Happened years ago when child number too came along. Mrs Crazy had heart set on a double pram from Graco but couldn’t get one in time so resigned herself to Mothercare own brand which she thought looked similar but liked colours more and was about £150 less. Assembling it after delivery and all the parts that needed to be attached after were stamped Graco.

I did some work in the late 90s for a company called Tchibo, German but had a few shops in the south and were setting up mail order and there whole business model was find a decent product and have the manufacturer do a limited run and rebadge them. They had Sony do a stereo that was popular and less than half the high street price of the original.

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Yeah… Just makes me chuckle how obvious they’ve made it. Not even trying to hide it.

I worked for Tesco in supply chain mostly and know that their own brand butter aswell as Asda, Morrisons, Sainburys and Waitrose all comes from the same flora factory

Used to get their stuff in Sainsburys.

Most food is from a small selection of suppliers. Change the packaging and keep the same machines, maybe occasionally altering the recipe slightly depending how much horse meat you need.

Big hoo ha was made when someone bought Aldi branded stuff in Waitrose and more fussed about the labelling than the fact it was identical. Hula Hoops found in own-brand multipacks, etc.

Tesco win the marketing battle - HFC, Growers Harvest, and Stockwell are just rebranded Tesco Value. They identified years ago that people didn’t like the stigma of buying the blue and white stuff. Same calibre, different label - just like the hula hoops.

Only through apathy. Weirdly, some industries are far more open about who they get to make their stuff and use it as a key marketing point.

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Why stop at paddle boards?

In this thread Fast Track for Civilians there is a link to the Daily Mail article which includes the below photo - the road sign makes me laugh given this photo has the caption
“The move would mean applicants do not have to pass the rigorous fitness tests the Armed Forces require or learn to fight on a battlefield (file photo)” and is used as “file photo” of the "Armed Forces…with a nod to the Cadets Forces in the background…!

I want to know more, but can’t bring myself to give the Daily Mail any traffic.


Good to see the better of the 2 organisation on top

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maybe this should go in the geeky photo thread, but I note the roadsign is a normal black and white one, not a red on white (indicating MoD), which are used for most cdt forces buildings :nerd_face:


you say “most” but in my experience it has been about 50% of the time. The town where i work has a CF unit which is B&W as is my former unit, although my current Sqn does have a Red bordered sign…

I am not sure how the decision is made, but there is definitely inconsistency within our county on the road signs!

They are supposed to be Red bordered but some councils refuse to use those because they don’t like how it looks.

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And also inconsistency with what they say…


Screenshot 2021-05-20 at 10.30.04

Screenshot 2021-05-20 at 10.28.32

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I want a sign.

Our building is so complicated to find I have to give a map with arrows on just to find the place and then we still get a phone call when they can’t find us.

have you applied/contacted the local council about it?

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To be honest it would probably cause more issues than it fixes, still doesn’t mean I don’t want one though!

You have to park in one place and go through some cut throughs before you are even on the street we are based and then we are hidden completely out of sight until you are right at our gate.

We are due a new build and supposedly will have on site parking but I foresee many resident issues when that happens.

Apparently putting “Talk to me Goose” on a film quotes thread might be bullying.

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I can see how - I mean how do you expect a dead person to talk to you? #spoilers

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Wait… Goose Dies??

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A mate of mine referenced a British army rat pack and got it censored from

the comment from LASERs training officer to a mistakenly emailed VPN on teams :joy: