You know what really grinds my gears? The Gears Strike Back

I may have to have a look through Vinted, I have a couple of payments yet to come in from there.

She has decided she wants to buy a farmā€¦not that we can afford one but yeahā€¦just so she can have goats

I have goats and donā€™t live on a ā€˜farmā€™ā€¦


Thereā€™s a house near me for sale that comes with an acre of land for less than Ā£500k. Thatā€™d be big enough for goats.

Where he lives Ā£500K wouldnā€™t buy a garden.

You really arent wrong

There is a goat simulator for the iPad, would that do?


Or Goat Simulator 3


We had goats. Not worth the grief and agro. Fairly sure they didnā€™t even taste good either.

Ever tasted a proper Gurkha curry?


More or less suicidal than sheep?

She just likes to tickle their chins

Oh yes, at Bisley when they were support staff. Yum, yum indeed.


Just grow a goatie.

Alternatively, Iā€™ve got a mate who does taxidermy. No reason to feed them or deal with the additional agro they bring!

Go on. Give her what sheā€™s asked forā€¦

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Dare he do that and risk his head next to it!


She would geuniley hit the roof, she didnt speak to me 4 days when i had reindeer for dinner in Finland.

You ate Rudolfā€¦ you brute,

Obviously, Rudolph failed his CAA flight test.

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Apparently the whole of Southern Railā€™s network is down this morning. How can every line be down?! :rofl: Bloody trains!

Iā€™m not even planning on travelling by train today, but this has still annoyed me!

I know there was a hack on some airports over the weekend, wonder if its related :thinking: