A few years ago work had the audacity to put me up in a sub-par hotel.
There was a crumbling gap where the plumbing from the toilet met the rest of the hotels infrastructure.
It was appalling.
I woke up on the first day of the trip to the site of the biggest, and I mean the biggest cockroach I have ever seen.
Now in my youth I’ve had holidays away in some cheap and not so cheerful places on lads weeks away. So I’m familiar with a cockroach, but this guy was huge.
I called him Charlie.
Nothing I could do would kill Charlie.
So after day 3 I made peace with him. He diligently stayed in the bathroom. I would shower and keep an eye on him. I thought it best to leave no clothes on the floor - I’m not a slob, but I also didn’t want to take him home should he venture into my dirty pants pile.
At the end of my stay it felt like quite an emotional fairwell, and to this day I think of him.
If he were a spider I would have burnt the hotel down. Spiders are horrible.
For years the Scouts’ online store had a picture of a young person with the beret on the wrong way round. Unsure if it was genuinely photographed that way or an error on the production side, but irked I was.
The curse of having notifications on for annanoncements. Why can’t we manage to upload an annanoncement once and get it right first time?!
I appreciate you can make it only notify you for when something is created, rather than updated also. But then you miss when they agree genuinely updated and changed.
(And I’ve had two three more since taking the screenshot…)
First world problems, fttp internet is the way forward. the latest batman had a 60gb update and was done in less than an hour, would have been an overnight job on my old fttc