Xero accounts system under the new charity structure

One of our squadrons is setting up the sale of squadron clothing via their web site.

Payments will be taken via the Square card handling system,

I am looking for a way for the squadron treasurer too be able to easily allocate a payment, all you get on the bank statement is Square and an amount, and this is minus the card handling fees.

In the new Xero software coming into the system for those wings who have piloted the new system is there a faclity to raise a customer ( parent) invoice for these goods so that when the payment appears on the bank statement and Xero Dashboard it can be easily allocated by the treasurer to the appropriate parent account.

I do use Xero and Square in my buisness so am reasonably familier with both.

For those that are not using Xero thus far and are running a similar payment system how are you managing it, raising a hand written manual invoice perhaps ? .

Thank you for your input.


You can do all of what you need in Square. You either raise an invoice or add a description to a ‘cash’ or ad hoc payment.

So easy enough to tie to whatever you are using for orders/receipts for the patents.

Then just send report to the treasurer.

We don’t account to that level. Payments in go to a nominal account at a much higher level and don’t get allocated to a customer as such.

Subs are tracked on a spreadsheet. With a Squadron of our size, raising an invoice for every payment would be admin overload for very little gain.