Wow - big scrapping of MOD assets

How much is the annual operating cost of the RAF regiment?

Particularly with the focus on the ranger units, If this element was transferred to army, how much would the RAF save particularly with full disposal of its logistic assets?

ā€œto save moneyā€

get the PM has pledged that there will be more money spent on the MOD in his Govt (above 2.4% of GDP)

have i missed something?
is this just redistributing the wealth?

The Navy is in a bit of a pickle regarding frigates at the moment. With the early retirement of Type 22 batch 3s, the type 23s have been worked very hard are falling apart. The type 26 and 31 were ordered late and the 23s are working past their expected out of service date.
The RFA ships have been laid up for years and are struggling to find crews for their ships. The private sector pays better.
The Navy has been talking about moving away from Albion and Bulwark for several years and Albion is in very poor shape and is in need of a refit. The navy has Already moved to littoral strike groups centred around the Bay class and Argus. The Albion class were direct replacements for Fearless and Intrepid and probably the wrong design. The navy would have been better to purchase some LHD as opposed to LPDs.
Navy Lookout, Multi Role Support Ship


I think its things that were planned anyways, we all knew puma was going at least. Its just got media attention given weve just had the budget and irritsted most the wealthy people

It just seems a very strange signal to be sending right now.

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If you keep spending the same but reduce gdp then your proportion of gdp goes up :upside_down_face:

In other shortagesā€¦ā€¦

I was there a couple of weeks ago and asked the Flt Lt manning the North Camp Barrier what heā€™d done to deserve that duty. He just laughed.


To be fair, the state of the RAF at the moment, most are probaberly still trainees on hold. Imagine getting a new job, getting promoted twice and still not having completed your job training. I think paying Ā£60k a year for trainees is the biggest joke. Cap them at Pilot Officer until they have completed phase 2.


Or, yā€™know, sort the training problems out!


My suggestion is easier :crazy_face:

Treat the symptom, not the cause?

Is it a shortage of MGS personnel? If so, what is being done to resolve the problem?

To be fairā€¦i wouldnt want to do their job.

Having read the accident reportsā€¦ they cant fly in rainā€¦

No surprises. Made by elbit an Israeli company
ā€¦ so the original drone its based on, was certified for desert useā€¦

The reports make for shocking reading.

Absolute scandalous waste of money.

Tuen them into long range kamikaze drones.
Launch all of them in one attack on a decent target and overwhelm them.

Or at least cost them 20 fold in missile defence costs.

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Maybe, just maybe, the solution is to actually put some effort, time and money into recruiting (in other words, bin Capita outright) and actually make it an appealing, worthwhile career to go into.

But of course, getting more than a 6% pay rise for the RFA would be so hardā€¦

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Agree on Capita. Our problem isnā€™t recruiting, itā€™s recruits being turned away, put off, or getting fed up of waiting and starting elsewhere.

Thatā€™s all part of the section process, we only want resilient individualsā€¦ also sadly no longer just true of the MOD, far to many 5 stage interview processes in the private sector.

I know an airline pilot who got screened out by Crapita. He passes his class 1 medical every year, but didnā€™t make the paper sift for a desk job in the RAF Reserves.