Wing Staff Selection

It has intrigued me for sometime how various wings select their staff. Some Wings seem to do formal interview, others written submission, selection by the powers that be or a mix between all three.

I would be interested to hear how your Wing does this, which way do you think is best/prefer?

Slip the Wing King a couple of Ton for most jobs or a bag of sand if you want a scraper :wink:


There seems to be 4 ways people end up on Wing and it appears to be similar variations on each wing

Our wing

Advertises the role, no one applies and then hey presto the person everyone thought would get it ends up in the job.
Someone randomly expresses a desire to go onto Wing, they find them something to do.
One of the blue eyed gang says I’m leaving as they don’t like being on a sqn and they find them a non-role like deputy something or other.
Most rare, someone wants to do a role and gets it.

As someone with no desire to be Wing staff I don’t really care as long as whoever does it, gives it a go.

I’ve seen people go onto Wing Staff never to be seen again or they do it and leave after a few years.

More interestingly the people who leave after a couple of years as the in-fighting and politicking between people is draining.
One of these said he got bored at Wing meetings as there were 2 or 3 who would argue over nothing and nothing of any real importance got discussed and people weren’t prepared to challenge HQAC. He also said no one was willing to take up the baton on behalf of squadrons when there were clearly contentious things going on. He said it was some of the worst examples of turning a blind eye, he said he’d go to sqns and speak to others and when he raised these as issues people were concerned about, the attitude was tough they’ll get over it. …
The other thing they said was attendance at the meetings given they all knew when they were and their other ATC commitments were minimal, was extremely flamin’ poor. They’d be waiting for an update on something and the SME didn’t turn up.

Explains a lot Leeroy. Where did you get the sand?

Jewsons or B&Q usually have what you need :wink: